📊 Academic Activities

WORKSHOP: Soil and Water science department - 2023
Dec. 10, 2023, 3:47 p.m.

The College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/ Soil and Water Science Department at the University of Duhok is hosting a national workshop entitled:

"World Soil Day"

during the period Tuesday 05th of December 2023.

from 10:00 AM to 12:30 AM (Local Duhok Time).

The workshop will be held at the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences.

Justification :

World Soil Day (WSD) is held annually on 5 December as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for the sustainable management of soil resources. An international day to celebrate soil was recommended by the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) in 2002.


  1. focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for the sustainable management of soil resources.
  2. discuss ways in which soils can be better managed
  3. focus on the importance of soils for nutrition

Forgiving the following key messages:

📌 Soil and water are essential resources for sustaining life on Earth.

📌 Soil and water are interconnected resources that need integrated management.

📌 Improper soil and water management practices affect soil erosion, soil biodiversity, soil fertility, and water quality and quantity.

📌 Soil and water conservation contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Place of the workshop:

Hall (6) at the Department of Soil and Water Science/ College Of Agricultural Engineering Sciences

Workshop Program/ presenter & instructor


No. Title presenter Time
1 Opening Kurdistan Idris Dawood 10:00Am to 10:05Am
2 Important of World Soil Day Dr. Zerevan Ariff Abdullah 10:05Am to 10:10Am


Panel 1 - Seminar

No. Title presenter Time Manager and Questioner
1 Soil formation Dr. Mohemed Ali Fayadh Sarbast Ismael Abdi
2 Restriction to maintains to Keep soil in KRG. - Dr. Mohemed sidqi Salih Duhoki
- Dr. Mostefa Ismail
- Dr. Zerevan Arif Abdullah
- Dr. Salar Ahmed
Sarbast Ismael Abdi
3 Coffee Breack1 …. ….

Panel 2 - Debate

No. Title presenter Time Time Manager and Questioner
1 Soil Conservation Abdulsatar Haji Sulaiman 12:00Am to 12:30Am Sarbast Ismael Abdi
2 Coffee Breack1 …. 12:30Am to 01:00Am ….

Supervision Committee:

  1. Dr. zerevan Arif Abdullah
  2. Sarbast Ismael Abdi
  3. Kurdistan I. Dawood
  4. Paiyzan Ihsan Remedhan
  5. Sipal Mohemmed Tahir
  6. Baibin Saied Hasan
  7. Sherwan Alikhan Salih
  8. Avin Fattah Ahmed
  9. Newal Khalid Ismael

Contact details

                                        Zeravan Ariff Abdullah
Zeravan Ariff Abdullah Head of the department
Assistance Professor