ستافێ ئەکادیمی

                                        د. كمال نعمان سيف الدين
د. كمال نعمان سيف الدين None
پروفیسور ھاریکار
    • 2007 Ph.D. Thesis:Effect of Formaldehyde Treated Concentrate on Productive Performance and Some Biochemical Parameters in Karadi Sheep.
    • 1999 M.Sc. Thesis:Effect of Goitrogen Potassium Perchlorate (KClO4) on Some Bodily Characteristics in Broiler Chickens Gallus Domesticus.
    • *BAKER, I. A. ; DOSKY ;K. N. S. and J. E. ALKASS (2008).Milk Yield and Composition of Karadi Ewes With the Special Reference to the Method of Evacuation. Kurdistan 2nd Conference on Biological Sciences University of Duhok 6-8 May. 2008.
    • DOSKY K. N. S. ; I. A. BAKER and J. E. ALKASS. (2009). A comparative study on body composition and carcass tissue distribution in kids of Meriz and native goats raised under different Feeding regimen.Journal of Duhok University.Vol. 12 No.1.
    • Kassem M. M., K. N. S. Dosky and A. Abd El-Ghany. (2009). the effect of using reduced ruminal degradability concentrated ration on milk secretion and some biochemical blood measurements in Karadi ewes under pasture condition. Egyptian Society of Nutrition and Feeds. Special issue Vol 12 No. 3.
    • DOSKY K. N. S. (2010).  Some fattening and carcass characteristics of Meriz and goat   male kids raised in either concentrate or pasture conditions. Mesopotamia J. of Agriculture. Vol. 38 (2): 2-10.
    • DOSKY K. N. S. and Mohammed, R. M. (2010). The economies of goat and Meriz kids managed under different feeding systems. J. of Duhok Uni. Vol. 13 No.1.
    • * DilsouzNoori Abbas, Ahmed SalihKhalaf  andKamal NomanDosky. (2011). Effect of sheep grazing on forage yield, yieldcomponents and grain yield of local black barley, underrainfall conditions in Iraqi Kurdistan
    • DOSKY K. N. S., O. D. Al-Mallah and N. H. Sulaiman. (2011). Effect of feeding urea treated wheat straw and formaldehyde treated barley grains on milk composition and some blood metabolites of Meriz does. RESEARCH OPINIONS IN ANIMAL & VETERINARY SCIENCES.Vol. 1No.11.
    • DOSKY K. N.; Sh S. A. Jaaf   and Mohammed L. T. (2012) Effect of protected soybean meal on milk yield and composition in local Meriz goat. Mesopotamia J. of Agriculture.Vol. 40 No.1.
    • DOSKY K. N.; A. O. Bamerny and G. I. Ameen (2012) Nutrient Digestion, Rumen and Blood Parameters of Karadi Lambs Fed Treated Soybean Meal. AdvNutr Res, 2012, 1(1): 6-9.
    • Alkass, J E., K. N. Dosky and E. T. Buty. (2014). Influence of varying levels of rumen degradable to undegradable protein on milk yield, composition and some blood parameters of Karadi ewes. Mesopotamia J. of Agriculture.Vol 42 No. 2.
    • Dosky, Kamal N. Nihayet H. Sulaiman and Hoger M. Hidayet (2014). Fattening and Some Carcass Characteristics of Karadi Lambs Raised on Concentrate or Pasture.Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare. 14: 1-4.

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