الكادر التدريسي

                                        د. اراز جعفر محمد على
د. اراز جعفر محمد على Teaching Staff
استاذ مساعد
General Animal Physiology/ Reproductive Physiology
  • 10.2006 – 06.2010      Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Reproductive physiology field at the Department of Animal Production, College of Agriculture, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Supervised by: Professor Dr. Jalal Elia alkass. Ph.D. thesis “Studies on the attainment of puberty in Karadi ram and ewe lambs and the ovarian response of ewes treated with insulin”.

    10.2000- 13.2003        Master of Science (MSc) degree in the field of Reproductive physiology at the Department of Surgery & Obstetrics. College of Veterinary medicine, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. M.Sc thesis “Histo-morphological changes of the ovarian activity in balck local Doe and Karadi ewe in different season of the year”

    10.1995- 06.1999        Bachelor of Science (BSc) in the field of Animal Science at the College of Agriculture, University of Duhok, Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

    10.1993- 10.1995        High School Diploma in Science at the Department of Science, Duhok preparatory School, Duhok, Kurdistan region, Iraq. Major subjects were Mathematic, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

    • Effects of electromagnetic fields on some blood parameters and bone marrow haemopoiteic cells in the rat. Zanco journal of medical sciences 10(1-2), 2008.

    • Effects of high levels of synthesized estradiol 17-β on some blood parameters and bone marrow haemopoiteic cells in adult female rat. Mesopotamia journal of agriculture 37(4), 2009.

    • Ovarian responses in superovulated Karadi yearling Ewes treated with insulin. Journal of Duhok University 13(1), 2010.

    • Studies on the attainment of puberty in Karadi Ewe lambs (2*Relationship of age at puberty to some biochemical constituents of blood). Journal of Duhok University 14(1), 2011.

    • Studies on the attainment of puberty in Karadi Ewe lambs (1*Effects of level of protein on age and weight at puberty). Journal of Duhok University 14(1), 2011.

    • Effect of different dietary protein levels and age on testicular development and ultrastructures in Karadi ram lambs. Journal of Small ruminants 2(4):14-24, 2013.

    • Mechanisms of hormone action.
    • Role of reproductive hormone on stem cells.
    • Endocrine diseases.
    • Role of endocrine hormones in reproduction

    • Animal physiology.
    • Reproductive physiology.
    • Female fertility & genital diseases.
    • Male fertility & genital diseases.
    • Advanced Endocrinology.
    • Academic Debate.

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