الكادر التدريسي

                                        سيمونا خمو عوديشو
سيمونا خمو عوديشو مقرر القسم
مدرس مساعد
علم السموم
  • بكالوريوس صيدلة, جامعة دهوك, عراق.
    ماجستير في علم السموم , جامعة دهوك, عراق.

  • 1. Burhan Zaman, Suzan Omer Rasool, Saeed Mohammed Sabri, Ghazwan AM Raouf, Amer A Balatay, Mohammed Amin Abdulhamid, Darya Salih Hussein, Simona Khamo Odisho, Sarah Talal George, Salar Mahmood Hassan, Ronahi Farhad Salman, Maryam Benyamin, Prevalence of thyroid dysfunctions in a large, unselected population in Duhok city, Iraqi Kurdistan: A cross-sectional study.

    2. Simona Khamo Odisho, Fouad K Mohammad, Blood cholinesterase activities and oxidative stress status among farmworkers using pesticides in Duhok, KRG, Iraq.

  • The main interests are in Toxicology fields.

  • From 2018 to 2019 I worked as teaching assistant.

  •   +9647503882602

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