Computational Physics Research Group (CPRG)


To advance the field of computational physics through the use of leading global software packages, conducting cutting-edge research, and fostering a collaborative and educational environment that promotes the growth and success of all collaborators.


To lead advancements in computational physics by leveraging premier global software packages, engaging in pioneering research, and cultivating a collaborative that supports the development and success of all group members.


To utilize leading global software packages in computational physics to conduct innovative research, foster interdisciplinary collaboration, and provide educational opportunities through tackling divers problems in physics that empower researchers and students to achieve excellence and drive progress in the field.


To pave cutting-edge software for our physics department members through driving scientific innovation, and fostering an inclusive, collaborative community where researchers and students thrive.

Projects interest:

Density Functional Theory (DFT): Application and development of DFT for solving complex problems in materials science, chemistry, and condensed matter physics.

Materials Discovery: Computational discovery and design of new materials with novel properties and applications.

Nanotechnology: Investigation of nanoscale systems and devices, exploring their potential applications in technology and medicine.

Energy Systems: Research on computational approaches to improve the efficiency and performance of energy systems, including renewable energy sources and storage technologies.

Biophysics: Simulation and modeling of biological systems to understand their physical properties and behaviors.


Dr. Jalal Mohammed Salih (Head of the Group/Ph.D. – UK)

Dr. Nawzet Saied Sady

Ms. Zozan Yousif Mohammed

Ms. Nirozh Kamil Ali

Postgraduate students:

Ms. Nirozh Kamil Ali

Mr. Muhammad Abdullah Hassan

Honerly members:

Dr. Sarkawt A. Sami