📊 الانشطة الاكادمية

SEMINAR-Animal Production Department-Dr. Ihsan Tawfeeq Tayeb
مايو 10, 2022, 1:27 ص

Seminar Announcement at the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences - Department of Animal Production.

Seminar entitled:

"Effects of Storage Method and Length on Egg Quality Parameters of Laying Hen"

Given by:

Dr. Ihsan Tawfeeq Tayeb

on Thursday, April 28, 2022, 09:00 AM


Objectives or Summary:

Quality parameters of eggs as affected by storage method and length were assessed from 35 weeks old layer. Eggs were stored using room temperature (25-30°C) and refrigeration (5°C). This study determines the best storage condition and optimum storage length for hen eggs. Egg quality parameters measured included egg weight, egg loss, shell weight, (yolk weight, high and diameter), (albumen weight, high and diameter), yolk and albumen index, and haugh unit. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with storage method and duration as the two main effects. There were progressive increases in weight losses with increased length of storage for all storage methods. Haugh units decreased progressively per storage method as the length of storage increased (P<0.05). Refrigeration methods do not differ significantly in all proximate compositions. There were significant differences (P<0.05) in the length of storage for all proximate compositions. The refrigeration method groups significant differences with the room temperature groups improved the egg quality. Eggs maintained desired internal quality when stored for 6 days at room temperature. Refrigeration could be used for the storage of eggs for up to 15 days.

Place of the Seminar:

Building of the Animal Production Department