ستافێ ئەکادیمی

                                        هاجر سعيد علي
هاجر سعيد علي None
په‌روه‌ردكرنا ده‌رامه‌ تیین كیلگه‌یى
  • 1985-1989  B.Sc. study in the Dept. of field crops, College of Agriculture and

    Forestry, The University of Mosul, Iraq.

    1997-1999  M.Sc. study in the Plant production , College of Agriculture, The University of Duhok, Kurdistan, Iraq.

    2003 - 2007 Ph. D. study in the Dept. of field crops, College of

    Agriculture and Forestry, University of Mosul, Iraq.

  • MS.C. Thesis title: Heritability and selection  of some characters in bread wheat .( Triticum aestivum L.), college of Agriculture, university of Duhok / Kurdistan region – Iraq, (1999-2000).

    -                  Ph.D. thesis title: Estimation of heterosis, Gene action by using Partial diallel Crosses and line × tester in durum wheat  (Triticum durum

    Desf.) .), college of Agriculture and forestry, university of

    Mosul / Iraq, (2006_2007).

    -                Path – coefficient analysis in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Journal of Duhok University Vol. 3 No. 2, (2000).

    -         Estimation of phenotypic, Genotypic and Environmental Correlation and heritability of some characters in durum cultivated in Duhok governorate. first scientific conference of Sulaimani university (27th and 28th of September 2000).

    -                   Estimation of selection index for same verity of durum wheal

    (Triticum  durum L) with evaluation of selection plants . Journal of Duhok University  Vol. 5 No. 2 ,(2002).

    -        Evaluation genotypes of (Triticum durum Desf.) and determine heterosis. First international conference of Agriculture science, Aleppo university, 2008.

    -        Estimation of heterosis and gene expression by using line × tester method in (Triticum durum Desf.). Journal of Mesopotamia

    Vol. 36, No. 2, (2008).

    -        Evaluation genotypic of durum wheat, planting at different rows spacing. Journal of Tikrit university for Agricultural sciences. Vol. 9, No. 3, (2009).

    -        Evaluation genotype of  dutum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) by using partial diallel crosses and line × tester. Journal of Tikrit

    University for Agricultural sciences.Vol. 10, No. 1, (2010).

    -    Heterosis, gen action and heritability in faba bean (vicia faba L.). Journal of Duhok University. Vol.13, No.(2), 2010.

    -Estimation of heterosis and gene expression by using line × tester   method in (Triticum durum Desf.).  Journal of Mesopotamia. Vol. 36, No. (2).


    -    Evaluation genotypic of durum wheat, planting at different rows spacing.

    Journal of Tikrit university for Agricultural sciences. Vol. 9, No. 3.


    -    Evaluation genotype of  dutum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) by   using partial diallel crosses and line × tester. Journal of Tikrit university for Agricultural sciences. Vol. 10, No. 1. 2010

    -    Evaluation of Genotypes of (Triticum durum Desf.) and determine of Hetorosis by using partial Diallel crosses and (Line × Tester) Methods. Journal of Mesopotamia. Vol.36,No.(2). 2008

    -Heterosis, gen action and heritability in faba bean (vicia faba L.). Journal of

    Duhok university Vol.13,No.(2). 2010

    يف يئزجلا يلدابتلا نيجهتلا مادختسأب ةيثارولا ملاعملا ضعبو نيجهلا ةوق ريدقتو فلتلا ىلع ةردقلا ليلحت    -

    triticum estivum).  Mesopotamia J. Agriculture. Vol.34,No.(2).) ةمعانلا ةطنحلا


    J. of Tikrit university. .لايجلا تاطسوتم ليلحت مادحتساب ةنشخلا ةطنحلا تافص ضعب ةسارد    -

    Vol.10,No.(2). 2010

    -Selecting high yielding wheat hybrids  from a restricted factorial mating design.

    University of agriculture Peshawar-pakistan. Vol:29(1). 2013.

    . لصوملا ةعماج ، نيدفارلا ةعارز ةلجم Vicia faba.           و روذبلا لصاحل لخادتلا و يثرولا أدلا ءلقابلا نم ةيثارو بيكارت يف هتانوكم .  Vol,42,No.3,. 2014

    . Vol;6;No;1; 2014 .ىلايد ةعماج ةيعارزلا مولعلل ىلايد ةلجمFaba bean - -  ةينيجلا ةرطيسلا ةيكيناكيم ءلقابلا لوصحم يف ةيمكلا تافصلا ضعبل

    - Genotype X environment interaction analysis for seed yield and its components in faba bean (Vicia faba L.). Journal of Duhok University. The 1st Scientific Agricultural Conference. 10-12th April,


    -    Combining ability and gene action for some trait in wheat using F1 hybrid.

    The 2nd Scientific Agricultural Conference. 26-27th April, 2016.


  • په‌روه‌ردكرنا ده‌رامه‌ تیین كیلگه‌یى 

  • Undergraduate: Field crop breeding, Principles of Plant Breedings, Principles of Field Crops.

    Postgraduate: Advanced Plant Breeding, Population Genetics, Quantitative Genetics

  • 6 MSc students

    2 Ph.D students

  •   7504676361

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