Academic Staff

                                        Hadi Hussein Hamad
Hadi Hussein Hamad Department Coordinator
Assistant Lecturer
Biologist (Biotechnologist)
  • MSc of Biotechnology in 2021, UoD, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

    BSc of Biology in 2012, UoD, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

  • Hamad, H. H., & Raziq, A. H. (2020). The Underlying Pathology of Autoimmune Thyroid Disease is Il-22 Independent. Science Journal of University of Zakho, 8(2), 48-51.‏

  • Immunology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology

    1. Practical Immunology
    2. Practical Medical Bacteriology
    3. Practical Microbial Metabolism
    4. Practical Molecular Biology
    5. Practical Microbiology
    6. Practical Microbial Physiology
    7. Practical Food Microbiology
    8. Practical Industrial Microbiology

    1. Pedagogy Training Course
    2. 2nd Scientific Conference of College of Veterinary Medicine

  •   +9647504264291

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