گوشا ئەمریکی

American Corner-Duhok's Public Speaking Competition
April 26, 2019, 1:43 p.m.

The American Corner-Duhok, in coordination with professors from the College of Languages UoD, designed and hosted a public speaking competition, for the period of two days (3-4 of April 2019) where 19 speakers from different colleges and schools spoke about a variety of topics, in front of a live
audience, to compete for the title of top speakers of the event, who were chosen by a judges committee. The event was held at the Cinema Hall at the Students Center-UoD. 648 of UoD employees, students, and members from the public attended the event. 

 The event concluded with giving the participants certificates, and awarding the best three speakers of the event with gifts sent by the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. 

The event was held to:
- Get university students to experience speaking in front of an audience.
- Motivate students to improve their English.
- Raise awareness and get people to talk about pressing and serious global issues.

The co-organizers were:

- Prof .Dr. Alya Mohammed Hussein Ahmed, Co-organizer
- Asst. Lect. Zeen Saeed Taha, Coordinator
- Dr. Asma Ameen Hussein, Judge
- Asst. Lect. Mahdi Tawfiq Saddiq, Judge
- Asst. lect. Dalia Dian Najeeb, Judge