الكادر التدريسي

                                        د. شه‌مال محمدأمین طه الدهوكي
د. شه‌مال محمدأمین طه الدهوكي رئيس قسم
Data Visualization
    • 2019, Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science, Kent State University, USA
    • 2008, M.Sc Computer Science The degree was awarded with grade Excellent,  University of Duhok 
    • 2005, B.Sc Computer Science Ranking the First overall the College of science, University of Duhok

  • SparseTrajAnalytics: an Interactive Visual Analytics System for Sparse Trajectory Data

    Xinyue Ye, Jiaxin Du, Xi Gong, Ye Zhao, Shamal AL-Dohuki, Farah Kamw, Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis, 2021.

    GTMapLens: Interactive Lens for Geo-Text Data Browsing on Map

    Chao Ma, Ye Zhao, Shamal AL-Dohuki, Jing Yang, Xinyue Ye, Farah Kamw, Md Amiruzzaman, Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis Conference 2020), 2020, Wiley.

    GeoVisuals: a visual analytics approach to leverage the potential of spatial videos and associated geonarratives

    Suphanut Jamonnak, Ye Zhao, Andrew Curtis, Shamal AL-Dohuki, Xinyue Ye, Farah Kamw, Jing Yang, International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS), 2020.

    CLEVis: A Semantic Driven Visual Analytics System for Community Level Events

    Chao Ma, Ye Zhao, Andrew Curtis, Farah Kamw, Shamal AL-Dohuki, Jing Yang, Suphanut Jamonnak, Ismael Ali, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2020.

    An Open Source TrajAnalytics Software for Modeling, Transformation and Visualization of Urban Trajectory Data

    Shamal AL-Dohuki, Farah Kamw, Ye Zhao, Xinyue Ye, Jing Yang, The 22nd IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, To Appear, Auckland, New Zealand, October, 2019.

    Visually Analyzing Latent Accessibility Clusters of Urban POIs

    Farah Kamw, Shamal AL-Dohuki, Ye Zhao, Jing Yang, Xinyue Ye, Wei Chen, 10th EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA 2019), To Appear June, 2019.

    QuteVis: Visually Studying Transportation Patterns Using Multi-Sketch Query of Joint Traffic Situations

    Shamal AL-Dohuki, Ye Zhao, Farah Kamw, Jing Yang, Xinyue Ye, Wei Chen, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, To Appear, 2019.

    Urban Structure Accessibility Modeling and Visualization for Joint Spatiotemporal Constraints

    Farah Kamw, Shamal AL-Dohuki, Ye Zhao, Thomas Eynon, David Sheets, Jing Yang, Xinyue Ye, Wei Chen, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (t-its), 2019.

    Image Fusion for Resolution Improvement of Multispectral Satellite Images

    Ahmed AK. Tahir, Shamal AL-Dohuki, The XVII International Conference - Multidisciplinary, vol. 31/2017, ISSN 2067-7138, held in 2-3 June, 2017, Sebes, Romania.

    SemanticTraj: A New Approach to Interacting with Massive Taxi Trajectories

    Shamal AL-Dohuki, Farah Kamw, Ye Zhao, Chao Ma, Yingyu Wu, Jing Yang, Xinyue Ye, Fei Wang, Xin Li, and Wei Chen, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2017.

    TrajAnalytics: A Web-Based Visual Analytics Software of Urban Trajectory Data

    Ye Zhao, Shamal AL-Dohuki, Thomas Eynon, Farah Kamw, David Sheets, Chao Ma, Yueqi Hu, Xinyue Ye, Jing Yang, IEEE Workshop on Visualization in Practice : Open Source Visualization and Visual Analytics Software, IEEE Visualization Conference 2016, Baltimore, Oct, 2016.

    • implementing visual analytics of big urban trajectory data
    • urban data management and visualization
    • the visual query of trajectory data
    • semantic data query and analytics
    • Image Processing.

  • Undergraduate Level at Computer Science Department - College of Science - University of Duhok:

    - Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming

    - Web Programming

    - Information Technology

    - Image Processing

    Undergraduate Level at Computer Science Department - College of Art and Science - Kent State University, USA:

    - Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming

    - Web Programming

    - Computer Graphics

    - Capstone Project

    Graduate Level at Computer Science Department - College of Art and Science - Kent State University, USA:

    - Information Visualization

    - Advanced Computer Graphics

  • Workshop & Tutorial by me:

    - Tutorial on Urban Trajectory Data Visualization at IEEE VISWEEK 2018, Berlin, Germany, 2018.

    - Workshop on Urban Data Visualization at IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS CONFERENCE - ITSC, October, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand.


    - Kent State University Fellowship, Kent State University, USA, 2019.

    - Outstanding Doctoral Research Award, Department of Computer Science - Kent State University, USA, 2018.

    - Research Assistantship, Kent State University, USA, 2017 to 2018.

    - Teaching Assistantship, Kent State University, USA, 2014 to 2017.

    - Graduate Student Senate (GSS) Domestic Travel Award for Fall Semester, Kent State University, USA, 2016.

    Research Projects

    - TrajAnalytics: A Free Software for Visually Exploring Urban Trajectories, Kent State University, Supported by National Science Foundation, USA.

    - NeighborVis: A visual analytics system of geospatial-semantic event data in localized neighborhoods within a larger city, town, suburb or rural area, Kent State University, Supported by National Science Foundation, USA.

    - GeoVisuals: Capturing, Managing, and Utilizing GeoSpatial Multimedia Data for Collaborative Field Research, Kent State University, Supported by National Science Foundation, USA.

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