Appreciation of student "Suzan Kheri Hsen Qasm", College of Pharmacy - UoD
May 2, 2019, 9:37 a.m.

Under the supervision of the deanery of the College of Pharmacy at UoD, and in the presence of lecturers of the college, the dean of the college "Dr. Muayad Aghali Merza" has presented a prestigious and honor appreciation logo to the student "Suzan Kheri Hsen Qasm" for her very first published book for children entitled "Technology & Life"; on Monday 29.04.2019.

Dr. Muayad Aghali Merza presented a very encouraging speech to the student and named "Suzan Kheri" as a close role model and the person that could get the place and appreciation that deserves.

Here, we would like to mention that our student "Suzan Kheri" was participated and achieved one of the top 6 spots in the Rwanga Organization project for writing the books, named "Rwanga Book" for children, among 2000 participants. The book signing ceremony was held on Tuesday, 16.04.2019; at Zaitun Library, Sami Abdulrahman Park, Erbil.