کلیة الهندسة

Computer Programming with C++ Training Training Course
يوليو 3, 2018, 6:32 م

This course is an introduction to C++ programming. It covers: principles of structured programming, data types, variables and constants, arithmetic and logic operators, selection and repeating statements, functions, arrays, pointers, and structures. This course, through a variety of exercises, stresses the practice of structured programming.

1. Course name

Computer Programming language C++

2. Lecturer in charge

Namiq Sultan

Sagvan Ali Saleh

Faris Ismat Saman

3. Department/ College

Electrical and Computer Eng./ College of Engineering

4. Contact

e-mail: namiq.sultan@uod.ac

            : sagvan.saleh@uod.ac

            : fars.samann@uod.ac

5. Duration of course

4 weeks (from 1/7/2018    to  30/7/2018)

6. Day per week

3 Days  (Sunday, Tusday, Thursday)

7. Time (in hours) per week

6 hours

8. Time (in hours) per Day

2 hours

9. Total time (in hours)

24 hours

10. Keywords

Computer Programming, Cpp

11.  Course overview:

This course is an introduction to C++ programming. It covers: principles of structured programming, data types, variables and constants, arithmetic and logic operators, selection and repeating statements, functions, arrays, pointers, and structures. This course, through a variety of exercises, stresses the practice of structured programming.

12. Course objective:

  • Using IDE to write programs.
  • Find and correct errors in the programs.
  • Syntax of C++ statements.
  • Using programming tools to solve problems.
  • Dividing programs into modules.
  • Different techniques to deal with different problems.

13. Learning outcome:


Upon completion of the course:

  1. Students will be able to define C++ classes, operator overloading, inheritance and polymorphism.
  2. Students will be able to apply C++ programming techniques for solving problems.
  3. Students will be able to analyse problems with object-oriented concept.



14. Course Reading List and References:

Text book: Starting Out with C++, 2nd edition, by Tony Gaddis

Reference Books: C++ How to Program, by H. M. Deitel and P. J. Deitel


15. The Topics:


  • Introduction to Computers and Programming, cout Object,  #include Directive, Variables and Constants.
  • Integer Data Types, char Data Type, Strings, Floating Point Data Types, bool Data Type, Arithmetic Operators, and Comments.
  • cin Object, Mathematical Expressions, Type Conversion, Typecast Operator, More Mathematical Library Functions.
  • Relational Operators, if Statement, if/else Statement, if/else if Construct, Nested if Statements, switch Statement.
  • Increment and Decrement Operators, while Loop, do-while Loop, for Loop, Nested Loops, Breaking Out of a Loop, continue Statement
  • Defining and Calling Functions, Sending Information into a Function, Local and Global Variables, Static Local Variables, Default Arguments. Return Statement. Overloaded Functions
  • Arrays Hold Multiple values, Accessing Array elements, Array Initialization, Initializing With Strings, Processing Array Contents, Arrays As Function Arguments, Two-dimensional Arrays, Two-dimensional Array Initialization, Arrays of Strings
  • Pointer Variables, Relationship between Arrays and Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic, Pointers as Function Parameters, Dynamic Memory Allocation.
  • Character Case Conversion, Internal Storage of Strings, Library Functions for Working with Strings, Using Pointers to pass string arguments
  • Abstract Data Types, Combining Data into Structures, Accessing Structure Members, Initializing a Structure, Arrays of Structures, Nested Structures, Structures as Function Arguments, Returning a Structure from a Function, Pointers to Structures.


16. Practical Topics


1.      Introduction to Programming With Dev-C++

2.      Input and output statements

3.      Making Decisions

4.      Looping

5.      Functions

6.      Arrays 1

7.      Arrays 2

8.      Pointers