Two new Clinics were opened
Oct. 15, 2016, 12:30 p.m.

two new clinics were open for the Dental Faculty/Duhok university in 10/10/2016 ,the two clinics are consisted of:  first Clinic: (10) Dental chairs for treatment and Prevention, orthodontic and Pedodontic.  The second clinic: (15) dental chairs for Conservative Dentistry.  On behalf of the deanship of the Faculty of dentistry I would like to thanks to those who support us and ensure these devices especially: Governor of Dohuk Mr.Farhad Amin atroshi,

Duhok health Director Dr.Nizar Ismet ,the president of Duhok university Dr.Mosleh Duhoki,and the director of GIZ organization.I thank all who honor us with their presence of government, Partisan actors,academic and administrative agencies.And asking God to be able through these clinics to serve our students and residents of Dohuk Governorate through the provision of health services and oral health.