Academic Staff

                                        Ali Younus Ismael
Ali Younus Ismael Head of Law Department / Teaching Staff
  • PhD in Public Law

  • 1. The competence of the presidential authority to impose disciplinary penalties on public servants, research published in Duhok University Journal 2008. Issue 2. Volume 11.
    2. The Administrative Court in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in the light of Law No. (24) of 2008, published in Duhok University Journal in 2010. First issue. Volume 13.
    3. The jurisdiction of the Federal Supreme Court in oversight of the legality of regulations, joint research - published in the Law Journal, Tikrit University, 2010.
    4. Complaint as an alternative to the cancellation suit, (joint) research presented to the second international conference in the College of Law and Political Science, joint - University of Duhok, 2015.
    5. The modern classification of control over factual reasons in the French State Council Judiciary, the second international conference of Ashq University / published in the Ashq University Journal / Erbil / 2017
    6. The recent development in the principles governing public utility in the French system and their legal value, a joint research - a research published in the Journal of the College of Law, Issue 19, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad-2017.
    7. The development of the foundations of judicial oversight over the administrative decision in the English legal system, Duhok University Journal, Issue 21, Volume 1, 2018.
    8. Promoting the principle of popular participation in regional administrative decentralization, Duhok University Journal, special issue of the Third International Conference of the Faculty of Law, Volume One, University of Duhok 2019.
    9. The development of proportionality control in the administrative judiciary of the European Union, Journal of Law - College of Law - Al-Mustansiriya University, Volume Five - Ninth Year - 2020.
    10. Manifestations of the contract judge's intervention in the implementation and termination of administrative contracts in French law. Published in the Journal of Legal Sciences, College of Law, University of Baghdad, Volume 35, Issue (2), 238 - 272. Published on 10/2/2021.
    11. Judicial and legislative development in the field of administrative contract disputes and its impact on the decline in the theory of separable administrative decisions (joint research), Sharia and Law Journal, United Arab Emirates University, Issue 85, January 2021.
    12- The legal system of independent administrative authorities and their development in France, Journal of the Social Contract, Legal Research Center, Ministry of Justice, Kurdistan Region - Iraq, first year, issue (zero), 2021.
    13- The Administrative Judge, Protector of Public Order, Journal of Law, College of Law, University of Bahrain, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 12-38, dated 1/4/2021.
    14- The administrative authorities competent to impose general administrative penalties, (subscriber) Kufa Journal of Legal and Political Sciences, College of Law, University of Kufa, Volume One, Issue 51, pp. 120-141, published on 6-1-2022.
    15- The impact of labor laws in encouraging investment, (joint research), Al-Mustansiriya Journal of Arab and International Studies, Issue (79), Volume (19) for the year 2022, p. 83.
    16- Conflict over the competence of public and private administrative control in the field of public health protection (Covid-19 response measures as a model). Al-Rafidain Journal of Law, University of Mosul, Issue (80), Volume (22), 2022, p. 169.
    17- Legal developments in the field of terminating an administrative contract by the unilateral will of its two parties (a comparative study in French and Iraqi legislation), University of Sharjah Journal of Legal Sciences, Issue 3, Volume 19, pp. 248-375.
    18- The legal status of the medical employee in health legislation in Iraq, Journal of the Social Contract, Ministry of Justice for the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, second year, special issue, 2022, p. 273.

  • ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, Constitutional Law, and Labor Law


  • 2 PhD

    3 Master

  •   +9647504355355

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