Nov. 18, 2022, 12:49 p.m.

These Seminars will be held at the college of education – Akre. From the 20h to the 23thNovember, 2022, Entitled as following:

1- (M-Business) by the lecturer (Ayas Younis Ismail), on 20 Nov.,2022.

2- (The reasons for the social division), on 20 Nov.,2022.

3- (Meaning of introduction in Islam) by the lecturer (Mikail Rasheed Ali), on 20 Nov.,2022.

4- (NFC Technology) by the lecturer (Ayas Younis Ismail), on 21 Nov.,2022.

5- (Halal is clear, forbidden is clear and what between of them is ambiguous) by the lecturer (Mikail Rasheed Ali), on 21 Nov.,2022.

6- (The Fatimid state in Morocco - the foundation stage of the caliphate) by the lecturer (Mortadha Abdulrazaq Majeed), on 23 Nov.,2022.

7- (Concealment of knowledge) by the lecturer (Natheer Saeed Mustafa), on 23 Nov.,2022.

8- (The news of the single concept and authenticity) by the lecturer (Abdulhaq Hunir Awni), on 23 Nov.,2022.

9- (The jurisprudential rule (it is not attributed to the one who is silent)) by the lecturer (Muneeb Muhammed Ahmed), on 23 Nov.,2022.