College of Education - Akre

Dean of the Faculty of Education - Aqra (Dr.HaVal Salim Tayeb) was a guest of the program (Bayev), which is presented to Radio Duhok University
May 29, 2017, 1:30 p.m.
Sunday, 27/5-2017 Dean of the Faculty of Education - Aqrah (Dr.HaValeSalim Tayeb) was a guest in the program (Bayev), which is presented to the radio of the University of Dohuk on the Dean's visit to the conference and the nature and results of the prayers and arrived at the conference

For the information: A committee was formed at the beginning of May (using the Kerman language as a fluent language) by the stand of Mizu Putamia in the city of Diyarbakir in Turkey