Nov. 25, 2022, 2:29 p.m.

These Seminars will be held at the college of education – Akre. From the 27h to the 30thNovember, 2022, Entitled as following :

  1. (Advantages of observation) by the lecturer (Saeed Jarjiss), on 27 Nov.,2022.
  2. (Yazidi rebel movement) by the lecturer (Natheer Saeed Mustafa), on 30 Nov.,2022.
  3. (Get paid for education) by the lecturer (Fareeq Sabri Saleem), on 27 Nov.,2022.
  4. (importance of optimization goals) by the lecturer (Abdulhaq Hunir Awni), on 30 Nov.,2022.
  5. (Definition of legal ruling) by the lecturer (Muneeb Muhammed Ahmed), on 30 Nov.,2022.