Academic Staff

                                        Basheer Ahmed M.Saeed
Basheer Ahmed M.Saeed Head of the Department of College of Spatial Planning
Urban and Regional Planning and Design
  • 2018 PhD in Urban and Regional Planning and Design, University of Maryland College Park, USA

    2008 MSc in Spatial Planning (Joint degree), TU Dortmund University, Germany and the University of the Philippines Diliman, The Philippines.

    2002 BSc in Surveying Engineering, Technical College Baghdad, Iraq

  • Saeed, Basheer and Hiroyuki Iseki. “Does Rail Transit Access Affect Firm Dynamics? Analysis of Firm Births and Closures in Maryland, USA. Under Review, Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2023

    Saeed, Basheer. Exploring the travel behavior of refugees, IDPs, and host community residents: empirical findings from Domiz urban area, Iraq. Working Paper, 2022

  • Transportation and Land-use interaction, Land Use planning, Public Participation in Planning and Development, Urban and Regional Economics, Infrastructure Planning

  • Taught BSc courses on the following topics:

    • Transportation Planning
    • Urban and Regional Economics
    • Urban Design Studio
    • Research Methods
    • Geographic Information System (GIS)
    • Environmental Impact Assessment
    • Academic Debate.

    Taught MSc course on the following topics:

    • Mobility and Infrastructure Planning
    • Quantitative Research Methods

    • Sustainable Reconstruction and Development in Northern Iraq. Technical University of Dortmund, Germany & Al-Balqa Applied University. Amman, Jordan. Jan to Feb 2006.

  •   +9647510619282

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