May 28, 2024, 2:09 p.m.

گێرانا سمینارێ

ئاگەهداریا هەوەیێن بەرێز دکەین کو ل کولیژا زمانان دێ سمینارەک هێتەئەنجامدان لدویڤ ئەجندایێن ل خوارێ:

ناڤونیشانێ سمینارێ: Intersections of Power and Nature: A Postcolonial Ecocritical Analysis of Selected Contemporary Plays

پێشکێشکار: سنا‌ء سعید مرزا

دەم: (1) نیڤرو

روژ: 30/5/2024

جهێ ئەنجامدانا سمینارێ: هۆلا سمیناران ل کولیژا زمانان

هولا خاندنی

مەبەستا سمینارێ (Justification):

The justification lies in addressing the critical need to explore how contemporary plays depict the complex relationships between ecological issues and postcolonial power dynamics. This study fills a significant gap in ecocritical and postcolonial literary studies by examining how these plays reflect and critique the intersections of environmental exploitation and historical colonial legacies. By focusing on contemporary plays, this research highlights current environmental and social challenges, offering fresh insights into the ongoing impacts of colonialism on natural landscapes and communities. Furthermore, it contributes to a deeper understanding of how literature can influence and reflect societal attitudes towards nature and power, thus providing valuable perspectives for both academic discourse and practical applications in cultural and environmental policy-making.


The main objectives of the study are:

1-explore how the relationship between humans and their environment is established in the selected contemporary plays.

2-To explore colonial legacies and their ongoing impacts on the environment in the selected contemporary plays.

3-To explore how the environment influences human beings and vice versa as presented in the selected contemporary plays.