ستافێ ئەکادیمی

                                        أحمد محمد حسن مصطفى محمود
أحمد محمد حسن مصطفى محمود None
پاراستنا ژیانا كویڤى
  • ماستەر

    1. (Book) Wild orchids of the Kurdistan Region areas: a scientific window on the unexpected nature of the North-Western Zagros.
    2. Sc. Thesis "Habitat Determination of European Hare (Lepus Sp.) in Majilmakhte in Duhok Governorate" .
    3. Errol Vela, Sami Youssef & Ahmed Mahmood (2013). First survey on Orchids (Orchidaceae) of Duhok province in Kurdistan region (N-Iraq). J. Eur. Orch. 45 (2): 501 –
    4. Sami Youssef, Ahmed Mahmood, Honar Mahdi and Errol Vela (2015). New contribution on Orchids (Orchidaceae) of Duhok Province in Kurdistan Region (N-Iraq). J. Eur. Orch. 47 (2-4): 501 – 2015.
    5. Sami Youssef, Ahmed Mahmood & Errol Vela (2017). On the genus Sternbergia (Amaryllidaceae) in Iraq. Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid 74(1): e053 2017. ISSN: 0211-1322.
    6. Youssef S, Mahdi H, Mergye Z, Saleem J, Mahmood A, Vela E. 2017. Two new records of Orchid species for the Flora of Iraq: Anacamptis papilionacea (L.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase , Dactylorhiza romana (Sebast.) Soo. ARO-the scientific journal of Koya university 5 (2):55-60.
    7. Youssef S, Mahmood A, Cartereau M, Vela V. New cytological, morphological and chorological data on Prospero seisumsianum (Rukšans & Zetterl.) Yıldırım (Asparagaceae) from the Zagros area. Submitted in Turkish Journal of Botany.
    8. Muhamed H, Youssef S, Mahmood A, Suliman H, Abdulkader A, Mohammed H, Michalete Characterizing the natural regeneration of Pinus brutia Ten. in Duhok governorate, N Iraq. Journalof Forestry Research. In Revision .
    9. Vela E, Youssef S, Mahmood A. 2017. Allium notabile. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T117540944A117540947.
    10. Youssef S, Mahmood A, Hussein W, Vela E. 2017. Montagnes du Zagros, un paradis terrestre aux pratiques ethnobotaniques vivantes. La Garance voyageuse, 120: 41-45.

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