The suicide rate in Duhok Province has decreased
Aug. 30, 2023, 10:02 a.m.

Today, on August 29, 2023, a workshop was held by the Legal Clinic of the College of Law at the University of Duhok, in collaboration with the Independent Commission for Human Rights in the Kurdistan Region – Duhok Office. The workshop saw the participation of representatives from various governmental institutions such as directorates of Police and Combating Domestic Violence, directorates of Education, Health, Culture and Arts, Social Development, Endowments, and judges and jurists along with non-governmental organizations and activists. The workshop focused on the phenomenon of suicide and how to combat it. The event took place at the Cultural and Social Center of the UOD.

The objective of the workshop was to identify the psychological, social, educational, and economic factors contributing to suicide among individuals. Additionally, participants discussed treatment methods aimed at preventing this perilous phenomenon. The workshop provided insights into the most recent suicide statistics for the current year as well as preceding years. According to these statistics, the suicide rate in Duhok Province has shown a decrease. Furthermore, all the parties in the workshop agreed on restricting what is being published on local TV channels including foreign drama that imply murder and suicide. Otherwise, the channels should choose what fits the Kurdistani viewers. In addition, the College of Law suggested to collaborate with Education institutions in Duhok in order to work with educational staffs on guiding the school students to right behaviors. On her part, Dr. Aveen Khaled, the Dean of the College of Law, underscored the commitment of the College of Law to take future steps in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, working towards strategic solutions to address this issue.

It is important to note that the various colleges of Duhok University, each within their respective fields of expertise, are actively engaged in seeking solutions to regional-level social, political, and economic challenges faced by the broader region.

UOD Media; August 29, 2023

Report: Fatima Mahmood

Translation: Mevan Mohammed Salih

Photo Credits: Husain Titimi