College of Pharmacy Transforms Used Oil into Eco-Friendly Soap
Oct. 25, 2023, 3:35 p.m.

In a pioneering initiative, the College of Pharmacy conducted a project focusing on recycling frying oil into soap, enriching student knowledge and environmental consciousness. Supervised by Professor Dr. Suad Al-Kass and Brazilian Professor Dr. Daniele Suzete Persike, the project engaged 25 third-year students and took place within the college's state-of-the-art labs.

The objective was twofold: educating students on the global practice of producing soap from cooking oil, encouraging cost-effective and eco-friendly solutions. By recycling cooking oil instead of disposing of it, the project not only promotes sustainable living but also empowers individuals to create affordable soap at home.

Furthermore, the project extends its impact to refugee and IDP camps, teaching residents how to produce this eco-friendly soap, thereby reducing their expenses. Dr. Suad Al-Kass emphasized the project's dual purpose, noting its successful implementation in the past.

The process involves combining used cooking oil with Sodium Hydroxide, a readily available chemical, demonstrating a practical approach adopted worldwide for creating eco-friendly, low-cost products.

UOD Media; October 22, 2023

By: Fatima Mahmood