Doctoral Dissertation
June 25, 2024, 4:22 p.m.

The doctoral dissertation of graduate student Diyar Adil Murad was discussed on Thursday, June 13, 2024.

The research topic was about:

Isolation and diagnosis of E. coli Beta-Lactamase bacteria and detection of Metapneumovirus in broiler chickens by serological ELISA and molecular testing (RT-PCR and RT-qPCR) in Dohuk.

The discussion was held in the presence of the Chairman and members of the discussion committee consisting of:

- Dr. Luqman Taib Omar / Professor / Parasitology / Committee Chairman.
- Dr. Safwan Youssef Mahmoud / Professor / Virology / Member.
- Dr. Karam Hashim Yahya / Professor / Pathology / Member.
- Dr. Jassim Mohammed Abdo / Assist. Proff. / Molecular Biology / Member.
- Dr. Rezheen Fattah Abdul Rahman/Assist. Proff. / Microbiology/ Member.
- Dr. Aqeel Mohammed Shareef / Professor / Public Health / Supervisor / Member.

After hours of discussion between the researcher and the committee, the doctoral thesis was accepted and the student was granted the doctorate degree.

On behalf of the College of Veterinary Medicine, we extend our sincere congrats to Dr. Diyar Adel Murad for completing the Dissertation discussion
, wishing him continued scientific achievements, and obtaining more academic degrees