Academic Staff

                                        Zulaykha Abdulwahab ABDULJALIL
Zulaykha Abdulwahab ABDULJALIL Academic staff Representative
Assistant Prof.
Plant Virology
    • Bachelor of Science in Horticulture/ College of Agriculture/ University of Duhok/ 2008
    • Master of Plant Virology/ College of Agriculture/ University of Duhok/ 2011
    • Surveying of viral diseases that causing greatest economic losses in vegetable crops in Duhok Governorate/ Federal Kurdistan/ Iraq. Journal of University of Duhok. 2015
    • Identification and Purification of Potato Virus Y (PVY) in Duhok Governorate. Journal of University of Duhok, 15:1, 2012.
    • Potato Virus Y (PVY) Purification and Antiserum Preparation. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 7:4, 2014.
    • Potato Virus Y (PVY) Surveying and Its Economic Importance on Potato Crop. Impact Journals, International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences, 2:6, 2014.

  • Plant Virology, Plant Bacteriology, Mycology, Nematology, Plant Pathology, Plant Protection

  • Plant Virology, Plant Bacteriology, Diagnostic Techniques of Plant Diseases, Orchard Pathology, General Botany

    • Participation in 1st international conference of plant, College of Agriculture & Forestry, University of Mosul, Iraq – 2010.
    • Participation in 1st scientific agricultural conference, Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry, University of Duhok, Iraq – 2012.
    • Participation in PCR workshop in scientific research centre of College of Medicine/ University of Duhok, Iraq – 2016.

  •   +9647504910090

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