Academic Staff

                                        Raed Abduljabbar	Haleem
Raed Abduljabbar Haleem None
plant pathology
  • B.Sc. .in Plant Production , Plant Production department, College of Agriculture ,University of Duhok, 1998 .

    M.Sc. In Plant pathology, Plant Production Dept, College of Agriculture ,University of Duhok , Iraq, 2001

    Ph.D. In Plant pathology, Plant Protection Dept. College of Agriculture ,University of Duhok, Iraq, A partnership with University of Hawaii, USA, 2010

  • 1-         Integrated control for tomato crown and root rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum and F. solani. Proc. 1st sci. Con. Biol. Science 22-23 April 1999.

    2-         Effect of soil type and irrigation on the Pythium root rot of tomato caused by Pythium aphanidermatum. Zanko journal V. (17) No.(1) 2004.

    3-         Study on the Ascochyta blight disease on chickpea in Dohuk province. Journal of Duhok University. V. (7) No.(2) 2004.

    4-         Fusarium crown and Root Rot of tomato caused by F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis – lycopersici . Journal of Dohuk University V.7 (4): 48 – 55, 2004..

    5-         Association of Entomopathogenic and other Opportunistic Fungi with Insects in Dormant Locations. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. V.4 (2), June-July. 2011.

    6-         Mycobiota Associated with Grapevine Cuttings in Duhok Nurseries (Kurdistan Region-Iraq), The 4th International Scientific Conference of Salahalddin University-Erbil, 2011,Volum III, P. 960-965.

    7-         Morphological And Molecular Identification of Phaeoacremonium aleophilum Associated with Grapevines Decline Phenomenon in Duhok Governorate. Journal of Basrah Researches, 37 (4): 1- 8. 2011.

    8-         Biological Control of Grapevine Decline Caused by Phaeoacremonium aleophilum and Cylindrocarpon destructans. Proceeding of the second scientific conference for biological sciences, 16 – 17 Nov., 2011.Science College. Mosul University. P. 162-173.

    9-         Effect of Heat-stress predisposition on the development of sooty canker caused by  Neoscytalidium  dimidiatum (Penz.) Crous & Slippers. Acta Agrobotanica, Poland, 64 (4) P. 207-212. 2011.

    10-       Identification and Pathogenicity of Botryosphaeria parva associated with Grapevine decline in Kurdistan region-Iraq. Acta Agrobotanica, Poland, 65 (1) P. 71-78. 2012.

    11-       Effect of pruning wounds on fungal predisposition in some Grapevine cultivars grown in Duhok-Iraq. The first Scientific Agricultural Conference-, 10-12 April, 2012. Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Duhok, Iraq.

    12-       Pathogenicity of Phaeoacremonium aleophilum Associated With Grapevine Decline In Kurdistan Region-Iraq., Vol. I, 2012. Journal of Zakho Universirty

    13-       Fungi associated with Freshly harvested corn grain in Duhok governorate, Vol. II, 2012. Journal of Zakho University.

    14-       Development and suppression of Grapevine black Foot caused by Ilyonectria destructans. E. Sci J. Plant Pathol. 02 (01) 2013. 25-31.

    15-       Occurrence and distribution of fungi associated with grapevine decline in Kurdistan region-Iraq. Agric. Biol. J. NorthAmerica, 2013, 4(3): 336-348.

    16-       Chemical control of black foot disease caused by Ilyonectria radicicola on Grapevine cuttings. Proceeding of the 2nd international conference of Plant Protection Sciences, 19-20 November, 2013, College of Agriculture and Forestry, Mousel University, Iraq. Alrafedaen Agriculture Journal,Vo. 42                  ( Special issue)

    17-       Fungi colonizing the roots of Forest seedlings in Duhok nurseries – Iraq. Proceeding of the Eleven Arab congress of plant protection. 9-11 November, 2014.,Amman- Jordan (Abstract).

    18-       Occurrence of major fungal and bacterial diseases on stone fruits trees in Duhok province, Kurdistan region –Iraq. Journal of University of Duhok. Vol. 19,No 1, 2016.

    19-       Fungi colonized the roots of seedlings in forest nurseries. Mycopath (2016) 14(1): 9-13.

    20-       Antagonism of Trichoderma harzianum and Clonostachys rosea against fungi associated with grapevine decline in Kurdistan region – Iraq. Journal of University of Zakho, Vol. 4(A), No.2, Pp 166-172, 2016.

    21-       First Record of Mycetophagous nematode Apheienchus avenae in Iraq with description and testing their propagation on different fungus culture. Bulletin of the Iraqi Natural history Museum. 2017

    22-       Occurrence and isolation of some Fusarium species associated with crown and root rot disease in some wheat fields of Duhok, IKR, Iraq.JZS (2018). Special Issue, 2nd Int. conference of Agricultural Sciences.

  • - Plant diseases

    - Mycology

    - Fungal diseases

    - IPM

    - Molecular identification

  • 18 years

  • Three M.Sc. students

  • - Deliver lectures and seminars for graduate and under graduate students

    - Supervision graduate students projects

    - Collaborative Curriculum Development

    - Attending Conference and workshop

    -  Curriculum mapping

    - Research activity

    - Member in different administrative and scientific committees

    -   Organize training  courses for farmers and Agricultural staff

    - Consultant with ING and UN organizations

    - Solving problem of local farmers

  •   +9647504015992

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