The Symposium "Federalism: Ensuring Stability and Coexistence"
May 26, 2024, 3:17 a.m.

Under the patronage of the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Mr. Masrour Barzani, a symposium titled "Federalism: Ensuring Stability and Coexistence" commenced on 22 May 2024 and jointly organized by the universities of Salahaddin, Duhok, Zakho, and Soran. The symposium includes four scientific panels with the participation of political and legal scholars and experts.

At the beginning of the forum, Dr. Shalaw Abdul Khaliq Muhammad delivered the welcome speech on behalf of the forum’s Supreme Scientific Committee. Dr. Kamaran Younis Muhammad Amin, President of Salahaddin University, spoke on behalf of the universities organizing the symposium. Dr. Pishtiawan Sadiq, representative of Mr. Masrour Barzani, Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, also addressed the audience.

Following this, and in the present of Dr. Dawood Sulaiman Atrushi, the president of the University of Duhok, Dr. Hawar Khalil Nerwayi, Dean of the College of Political Sciences at the University of Duhok, conducted the first panel on "The Federal System of Iraq: Opportunities and Risks". Dr. Sherzad Najjar, Dr. Aveen Khaled Abdulrahman, Dr. Sardar Mohiuddin, and Dr. Othman Ali Waisi, discussed the topic in detail.

In the second panel, the role of the Federal Supreme Court in protecting the constitution and stability in Iraq was discussed. Dr. Shaho Ghafur Ahmed moderated the session, with presentations by Dr. Mohammed Omar Mawloud, Dr. Sarhing Hamid Barzanji, Dr. Soran Ali Hassan, and Dr. Reber Fattah Mohammed. They each addressed different aspects of this issue, presenting their topics and opinions, which led to active participation and productive discussions among the attendees, enriching the panel topic.

On the second day of the symposium, on May 23, 2024, Kurdish political figure Arif Rushdi, as a special speaker, delivered a speech on "Federalism and the Intellectual Dimension." The third panel focused on the importance of implementing the federal constitution for the stability of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. Moderated by Dr. Karwan Izzat Mohammed, the panel featured contributions from Dr. Mohammed Ihsan, Dr. Wajeeh Afdo Ali, Dr. Abdulrahman Karim Darwish, and Dr. Bahdin Shahab, who discussed various aspects of the topic. The session facilitated a productive dialogue with participants directing questions and comments to the panelists.

Later, the fourth and final panel, which addressed the importance of having a constitution for the Kurdistan Region to enhance stability and coexistence. Moderated by Dr. Sharee Khalid Nanakali, the panel included Judge Rizgar Mohammed Amin, Dr. Muwafaq Adil Omar, Dr. Renjbar Jameel Shekho, and Mr. Hassan Mustafa Hussein, who shared their insights and perspectives on the topic. Finally, the recommendations of the four panels were presented.

The symposium successfully brought together a diverse group of experts and stakeholders to discuss the critical issues surrounding federalism, constitutional implementation, and regional stability. The engaging panels and speeches fostered meaningful dialogue and offered valuable insights, reinforcing the symposium's objectives of promoting stability and coexistence through federalism.

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UOD Media; May 25, 2024

Ismat Khabour

Photo Credit: Hussein Titimi