UOD Hosts Empowering Finale of Peshmerga English Language Course
May 21, 2024, 2:04 p.m.

In the presence of Dr. Dawood Sulaiman Atrushi, President of the University of Duhok (UOD), Mr. Abdulkhaliq Babiri, Deputy Minister of Peshmerga Affairs, Mr. Mark Stroh, Consul General of the USA, Mr. Zak Bazi, Director of The Spirit of America organization, along with Peshmerga officers and majors, the English language course, a joint effort between UOD and The Spirit of America for the Peshmerga Ministry forces, concluded today, May 14, 2024, after four months of continuous collaboration. The University of Duhok oversaw and instructed the course, while the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs actively participated, with 30 Peshmerga members enrolled from January 7 to May 8, 2024.

Dr. Dawood expressed satisfaction with this initiative aligned with UOD’s community third mission, emphasizing the university’s focus on addressing community needs. He extended gratitude to the Consulate General of the USA and the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs for their support.

Mr. Abdulkhaliq Babiri, Deputy Minister of Peshmerga Affairs, expressed heartfelt appreciation to UOD for hosting the course and thanked the Consulate General of the USA and The Spirit of America for their support, highlighting the enduring relationship between the Peshmerga Ministry and the USA.

Mr. Mark Stroh, US Consul General, congratulated the graduates, noting the course's potential to enhance their skills and create opportunities for further military training with the US military.

Mr. Zak Bazi, Regional Director of The Spirit of America, expressed joy at the course's conclusion and emphasized the significance of language learning in today's interconnected world.

Peshmerga students Mr. Ramzi Hussain and Mrs. Sipel Khalil, in a message on behalf of Peshmerga members, conveyed gratitude for the course, expressing how it improved their English proficiency and cultural understanding.

Certificates were distributed to participants, with Mrs. Hivi Muhammed and Mr. Muhammed Yousif recognized as the top students. Symbolic gifts were presented to UOD, The Spirit of America, and the US Consulate General for their contributions, while The Spirit of America honored the Peshmerga members.

It's noteworthy that 30 out of 143 Peshmerga applicants, including 22 males and 8 females, were enrolled in the course, covering pre-intermediate and intermediate English levels.

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UOD Media, May 14, 2024

Fatima Mahmood

Photo Credits: Mohammed Abdulkarim, Ali Banki, and Harman Jangir