Terms and Conditions for Evening Classes and Parallel system in UoD
Jan. 23, 2016, 12:54 p.m.

ل سەر بریارا وەزارەتا خواندنا بلند وڤەکولینێن زانستی ل حكومەتا هەرێما كوردستانێ‌  جڤاتا زانكویا دهوكێ‌ دەست ب ڤەكرنا خواندنا ئێڤاران وپارالیل ل كولیژ وپشكێن سەر ب زانكویێ‌ ڤە كر و ل دیف  مەرج ورێن…

MHE gives the instruction to scientific certificate
Jan. 18, 2016, 1:29 p.m.

In the meeting of ministry of higher education and scientific research council, the instruction to give a scientific certificate was accepted and brought the point of how to decrease the expenditu…

President of the UoD Meets the American Consular General in Erbil
Jan. 17, 2016, 9 p.m.

As a part of the mission of the President of the University of Duhok, Prof. Mosleh Duhoky, to consolidate the university international relations with the outside world, he made a successful visit …

Community Development in UoD through Volunteerism
Jan. 15, 2016, 4:58 p.m.

By Ameer Sabri | Alumnus IYLEP 2015

and Manager of Volunteers of the University of Duhok (VDU)  

Volunteers of Duhok University (VDU) is an initiative launched by a group o…

Professors from USA visit UoD
Jan. 11, 2016, 5:27 p.m.

During the first week of 2016, Brian Glyn Williams the professor at the University of Massachusetts in the USA and Adam J. Sulkowski the professor at Babson College in Massachusetts in the USA pai…

Two New English Course by TDC
Jan. 5, 2016, 7:32 p.m.

University of Duhok is pleased to announce its two NEW academic and professional English language programs for 2016, Please see the table below. The courses will be tutored by Academic staff from …
