March 8, 2022, 11:11 a.m.

These Seminars  will be held at the college of education – Akre. From the 6th to the 30/03/2022, Entitled as followimg:

  1. (America’s position on the First World War) by the lecturer (Dr. Ali Obaid Shukri) on 06/03/2022
  2. )Smart Libraries) by the lecturer (Lect. Ayas Younis Ismail) on 06/03/2022
  3. )The reality of developing the research capabilities of faculty members at the University of Dohuk, a research study) by the lecturer (Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Mahmoud Ibrahim) on 07/03/2022
  4. )Formalism ) by the lecturer ( Lect. Hashryar Mohammad Amin ) on 07/03/2022
  5. )Contemporary Egyptian historians’ view of the Pharaonic civilization) by the lecturer (Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Nouri) on 07/03/2022
  6. (Knights of the Temple) by the lecturer (Asst. Prof. Dr. Omar Rashid Ramo) on 03/08/2022
  7. (Toxonomy) by the lecturer (Lect. Ayas Younis Ismail) on 08/03/2022
  8. (Geographical statements) by the lecturer (Dr. Ali Obaid Shukri) on 03/08/2022
  9. (Kurdish Sufi schools and their role in reforming the Ayyubid society) by the lecturer (Asst. Prof. Dr. Omar Rashid Ramo) on 09/03/2022
  10. (Anecdotes of the judges) by the lecturer (Asst. Prof. Dr. Yassin Rashid Omar) on 10/03/2022
  11. (The Battle of the Kurds and the Assyrians 1842-1843) by the lecturer (Lect. Fareeq Sabri Salim) on 03/10/2022
  12. (Foxonomy) by the lecturer (Lect. Ayas Younis Ismail) on 03/13/2022
  13. (Digital Transformation at the University of Duhok Obstacles and Opportunities) by the lecturer (Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Mahmoud Ibrahim) on 03/13/2022
  14. (Some legendary aspects in Latif Helmet’s poems) by the lecturer (Lect. Talaat Muhammad Aziz) on 03/15/2022
  15. (Who is a good teacher?) by the lecturer (Asst. Lect. Waad Saeed Taha) on March 15, 2022
  16. (The American Civil War 1861-1865) by the lecturer (Dr. Ali Obaid Shukri) on March 27, 2022
  17. (Reasons of the fall of the Rawadiyah emirate ) by the lecturer (Asst. prof. Dr. Ardalan Ismail Omer) on March 27, 2022

  18. (University goals - preparing qualified cadres that possess thinking skills that meet the requirements of the labor market) by the lecturer (Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Mahmoud Ibrahim) on 03/28/2022
  19. (Lehman Treaty of 1838) by the lecturer (Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Nouri) on 03/28/2022
  20. (The spiritual symbols in Media’s narration of Hoshank Sheikh Muhammad) by the lecturer (Lect. Talaat Muhammad Aziz) on March 29, 2022
  21. (Reasons of emergence of Shaddadiyah emirate ) by the lecturer (Asst. prof. Dr. Ardalan Ismail Omer) on March 30, 2022

  22. (Military formations in the Ottoman Empire) by the lecturer (Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Nuri) on March 30, 2022