Academic Staff

                                        Azad Ahmed Khalid
Azad Ahmed Khalid None
Assistant Professor
Sport Training Science
  • 2007 PhD sport training science, University of Mosul, Iraq
    2000 MSc sport training science, University of Salahadin, Iraq
    1992 BSc Physicals education, University of Mosul, Iraq

  • - (تأثير تدريب نقص الفوسفاجين في نشاط أنزيم (ck) وانجازركض 50 متر وبعض القياسات الجسمية للأطراف السفلى ) , مجلة علوم الرافدين , جامعة الموصل , 2000 .
    - (وضع درجات ومستويات معيارية للأختبارات البدنية وفق الفئات العمرية للطلاب المتقدمين الى المعهد الرياضي بمحافظة دهوك) , مجلة جامعة دهوك , المجلد (16) العدد (1) لسنة 2013 .
    - (بعض الأستجابات الوظيفية للكلى بعد الراحة وبعد جهد هوائي لعدائي المسافات الطويلة ) مجلة علوم الرياضة , جامعة ديالى , 2013 .
    - (تأثير تدريبات البليومتريك في نسب الوثبات الثلاثة والأنجاز لفعالية الوثب الثلاثي ) مجلة جامعة زاخو ,المجلد (3) , العدد (1) , 2015 .
    - )The effect of using rubber ropes to improve speed-strength for upper limbs and the achievement of javelin throw(,vol 2 ISSU 5 , SJSR 2015
    - تأثير منهج مقترح باستخدام الجزء الأول من المنطقة الأولى للتدريب الفتري وحسب مراكز اللعب في بعض المتغيرات الوظيفية لدى لاعبي كرة السلة فئة الشباب.
    - تأثير استخدام تدريبات البليومتريك في تطوير القوة الانفجارية للأطراف العليا والأنجاز لفعالية دفع الثقل لدى الرياضيين ذوي الأحتياجات الخاصة فئة 54
    - Al-Naemi, R., Khalid, A., Al-Doski, D., (2021) Effect of Eight Weeks Sports Programs on Blood Irisin Level in Healthy Male Sport Practitioners. Humanities Journal of University of Zakho, VOL. 9 NO. 2.
    - Al-Naemi, R., Khalid, A., Aldoski, D., (2021). Effect of aerobic, anaerobic, and resistance exercises on oxidative stress status in healthy sport practitioners. the academic journal of Nawroz university.
    - Aldoski, Dilshad, Khalid, Azad (2020). The effect of using plyometric exercises in developing the explosive power of the upper extremities and the achievement of the effectiveness of pushing the weight of athletes with special needs category 54. Proceedings of the first joint international scientific conference between the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Duhok and Noon Center for Research and Specialized Studies, Volume III

  • sport training science
    exercise physiology
    Track field

  • • Teaching track and field for first year student university of Duhok.
    • Teaching sport medicine for third year student university of Duhok.
    • Teaching exercise physiology for fourth year university of Duhok.
    • Teaching training science for Second year university of Duhok.
    • Teaching training science for Post graduate studies Master student university of Duhok.
    • Teaching physiology for Post graduate studies Master student university of Duhok.

  • The Effect of Different Training Programs on Lipid Peroxidation, Total Antioxidants and Their Relationship with the Irisin Hormone among Sports Practitioners (PH.D (2021) )

  • • Participate in many training courses for example track and field, training.
    • Participate in many referring courses for track and field.
    • Participate in English course in CeS Brighton University in UK 2012.
    • Participated in the arbitration training course for arena and field games held by the Iraqi Central Athletics Federation in Dohuk Governorate in the fifth month of the year 2021.
    • Participated in the training course (Personal Trainer - Rehabilitation Course) held by the Iraqi Central Athletics Federation at the University of Zakho in the seventh month of 2021.
    • Participated as (lecturer) in one lecture entitled (How to develop energy production systems) in the development training course held by the Iraqi Central Athletics Federation in Sulaymaniyah in the eighth month of the year 2021.
    • Participated as a (lecturer) (with four lectures) in the developmental training course for athletics for children, which was held by the Iraqi Ministry of Education in coordination with the Central Athletics Federation, and which was held in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Duhok in the fifth month of the year 2022.
    • Participated in the international training course, the first level, which was held by the Iraqi Central Federation in coordination with the Regional Development Center in Cairo of the International Association of Athletics Federations, which was held in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Duhok (19-6-2022 to 30-6-2022), ( This course lasted for 12 days, at a rate of 7 hours per day, and included theoretical and practical lectures, After taking the practical and theoretical final exams, I won the first place in the course and thus qualified for the second level.

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