Academic Staff

                                        Dr. Jaladet Mohammed Saleh Jubrael
Dr. Jaladet Mohammed Saleh Jubrael Head of Scientific Research Center Department
Professor / Head of Scientific Research Center Department
Molecular Biology (DNA Marker Technology)
    • Ph. D., in Genetic Engineering, the Victoria University of Manchester/ UK/ Academic Year; 1983-1987.
    • M. Sc., in Molecular Genetics, the Victoria University of Manchester/ UK/ Academic Year; 1982-1983.
    • Higher Diploma in Genetics, Institute of Dr. P. Groza, Cluj- Napoca/ Romania/ Academic Year; 1973-1978

    1. The Effect of G-418 on Germination and Growth of Pteridium Aquilinum. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 86, 464-465, 1985.
    2. Bracken, Ecology, Land Use and Control Technology. Pp 301 – 307. R. T. Smith and J. A. Taylor (Eds). Carnforth, Lances: Parthenon Publishing, 1986.
    3. Polymorphisms in Bracken DNA in Bracken, Ecology, Land Use and Control Technology. Pp. 209 – 313. R. T. Smith and J. A. Taylor (Eds.) Carnforth Lances: Parthenon Publishing, 1986.
    4. Detection of Genetically Useful Variants in the Fem Pteridium International Conference of Biology of Bracken, Sydney, Australia PP. 79 – 86. J. A. Taylor and R. T. Smith (Eds.), 1989.
    5. A Simple and Rapid Method for Total DNA Isolation from Vibrio Fluvialis Ibn Al – Haitham J. For Pure and Applied Sci. 1: 25, 1992.
    6. Recombinant DNA Technique for Improvement of Salinity Tolerance in Cultivated Plants, 1. Preparation of DNA for Molecular Cloning Isolated From a Wild Salt Tolerant Plant. Proceeding Of The Workshop On Technology Transfer In The Production Of Cereal And Legume. Pp.55-64. ICARDA/ IPA Agric. Res. Cent. (Eds.), 1993.
    7. Employment of Genetic Engineering Techniques in Early Detection of Sex and Variety of Date Palm (Pheonix Dactylifera) In Iraq. I. Isolation, Purification Of High Molecular Weight DNA Using a Reliable Adapted Method and It's Restriction Endonuclease Analysis. J. IPA-Agri. Res .3; 2;.23 7-24, 1993.
    8. Employment of Genetic Engineering Techniques in Early Detection of Sex and Varieties of Date Palm (Phoenix Dactylifera L.). II. Cloning of Date Palm DNA Fragments Using an E. Coli Plasmid Pgem-7Zf (-) as a Cloning Vector. J. IPA-Agric. Res. 4.45-54, 1994.
    9. The Use of Tissue Culture Technology in Cereal Crop Breeding. Proceeding of the National Symposium on the Use of Modern Techniques for Cereal Breeding. Pp. 25-36. Arab Organization for Agriculture Development, 1994.
    10. Cloning of Barley Genomic DNA Fragments into Hind III Site of the Plasmid Pgem-7Zf (-). Proceedings of the Regional Symposium on Integrated Crop – Livestock Systems in the Dry Areas of the West Asia and North Africa. Pp 113-118. Amman – Jordan, 1995.
    11. Physiological Study and Detection of DNA Polymorphisms in a Number of Salts Tolerant Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L) Varieties/ Lines. IPA. Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol.7, No.1, 1997.
    12. Detection of DNA Polymorphisms in the Fungus Aschochyta Rabei Using PCR Techniques. Ibn Al- Haitham J. Pure And Appl. Sci. 1; 645, 1997
    13. Preparation of Recombinant DNA Molecules for a Halophytic Plant (Tamarix Brachystachus) in the Phage EMBL3. J. IPA. Agric. Res.8:.53-72, 1998.
    14. DNA Repair Systems of the Novel Halotolerant Bacteria Micrococcus Strain G1. Iraqi J. Microbiology. 252 – 98, 1998.
    15. Cloning Genomic DNA Fragments of a Poultry Strain in the Bacteria E. coli. Al – Munstansiriya J. Sci. 10: 1: 13 – 19, 1999.
    16. Construction of a Gene Bank for an Extremely Halophytic Bacterium Halobacterium Halobium in E. coli. Iraqi J. Microbiology. 12; 1; 53-64, 2000
    17. RAPD Analysis for Estimation Genetic Relationships among a Number of Iraqi Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L) Cultivars/ Lines. Iraqi J. Sci. 41B: 2: 1 – 17, 2001.
    18. The Use of RAPD Markers as a Typing Method for Epidemiological Investigation of P. Aeruginosa. Iraqi J. Microbiology 13: (2) 22 – 33, 2001.
    19. Genetic Characterization of a Number of Date Palm (P. Dactylifera L.) Varieties in Iraq Using RAPD Markers. IPA J. Agric. Res. 11:1.  138- 149, 2001.
    20. RAPD Analysis For Estimation Of Genetic Relationship Between Goat Breeds In Iraq. IPA J. Agric. Res., 2001.
    21. Methods for Detection and Studying of Biodiversity in Genetic Diversity. Hamash M. H. And M. A. Ibrahim. (Eds.). Pp. 89– 90. Iraqi Board for Biotechnology, 2002.
    22. Polymerase Chain Reaction. Iraqi J. Biotechnology 1 :( 1). 13 – 33, 2002.
    23. Genetic Relationships Analysis of Some P. Aeroginosa Serotypes Using RAPD Reactions. J. Biotech. Res.4:17–28, 2002.
    24. Use of RAPD Markers for DNA Fingerprinting Of Barley (H.  Vulgare L.) Cultivated In Iraq. Tikrit Pure Sci. J. Vol.9, No.2, 2003.
    25. RAPD – PCR Patterns of Genomic DNA Extracted from Gout’s Liver and Blood. S. Res. Pap.: 3:111–120, 2003.
    26. Genotyping of P. Aerogenoza by PCR Based DNA Fingerprinting. Iraqi J. Sci. 456B. (1): 8- 16, 2003.
    27. Use of AFLP Markers for DNA Fingerprinting of Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) Cultivated in Iraq. Tikrit Pure Sci. J. Vol.9, No.2, 2003.
    28. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD – PCR) Analysis for the Estimation of Genetic Relationship among Aeromonas Species. Iraqi Com. Med. Specialization 183:2:4: 342-346, 2003.
    29. Factor V Leiden in Blood Donors in Baghdad (Iraq). Clin. Chem. 50: 615 – 616, 2004.
    30. Factor V Leiden and Venus Thrombosis; First Case Reported In Iraq. J. Fac. Med. (Bag). (In Print), 2004.
    31. Application of RAPD Analysis to Differentiate Aeromonas Sp. J. Al – Nahrain Univ.7:2: 48 – 56, 2004
    32. Enhancement of DNA Polymorphisms in RAPD Products by Restriction Endonuclease Analysis of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinium L) Varieties Cultivated In Iraq. J. Biotic. (In Print) , 2005
    33. Assessment of AFLP Based Genetic Relationships among Date Palm (P. Dactilifera L.) Varieties of Iraq. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 130:3: 442 – 447, 2005.
    34. Factor V Leiden APC Resistance and Elevated Factor VIII in Iraqis with Thrombosis. The 17th Cong. AP –Arab Div. Jordan, 2005.
    35. Jaladet M.S. Jubrael. Molecular Characterization of β- Thalassemia in the Duhok region of Iraq. Informa Healthcare, Vol.30, No.4, 2006.
    36. The use of PCR – based molecular marker to fingerprint some Potato cultivars propagated in vitro. J. Duhok Univ. 2007 (in press)
    37. The use of RAPD for the detection of genetic stability of regenerated plantlets of Date palm in Iraq. Int.  Society in Horticulture Science. 111 Int. Date Palm conferences 2006.
    38. Jaladet M. S. Jubrael. Use of Molecular Markers in Genetic Improvement Programs, vol 5, no 5, (2007).
    39. Shaymaa H. Ali and Jaladet M. S. Jubrael (2008): Genetic diversity analysis of a number of grape (vitas vinifera) varieties cultivated in Kurdistan Region-Iraq using RAPD Marker, JDU special issue. (in press).
    40. Molecular characterization of E.coli O157:H7 strains using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). J .Duhok Univ. 2008. Vol 11. 197-204.
    41. Raad A. Al-Sanjary and Jaladet M.S. Jubrael. (2008): Using Species specific Polymerase Chain Reaction technique in preparation specific marker to distinguish different types of meat. JDU Vol. 12 special Issue.
    42. Avesta M. Ali Shaymaa H. Ali, Azad A. Al Barwari  and Jaladet M. S. Jubrael (2009). Using RAPD markers to Estimate Genetic Diversity Analysis of a number of walnuts (Juglans reial.) groups in Duhok Region- Kurdistan-Iraq. J. Koya University,
    43. Narmeen S. Merza and Jaladet M.S. Jubrael (2009): Isolation & Identification of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus using multiplex PCR assay.
    44. Shaymaa H. Ali, Avesta M. Ali and Jaladet M. S. Jubrael (2009): Genetic Diversity of apricot (Prunus armenical) varieties in Duhok- Region using AFLP markers. JDU Vol. 12. 17-22.
    45. Narmeen S. Merza and Jaladet M. S. Jubrael (2009): Isolation and Identification of Staphylococcus aureus using classical and molecular methods. JDU special Issue. Vol. 12. 10-16
    46. Nasir A. S. Al- Allawi, Arteen S. Avo, Jaladat M. S. Jubrael. (2009). Methylenetertrahydrofolate  reductase C677T polymorphism in Iraqi Patients with ischemic stroke. Neurology India. vol ll57, issue 5.
    47. Farida F. A. Nerweyi, Nasir Al-Allawi,  and Jaladet M.S. Jubrael. Detection of β-Thalassemia Mutations by Amplification Refractory Mutation System and Reverse Hybridization in Dohuk Governorate/IRAQ.
    48. Ahmed B. Mohammed, Jaladet M.S. Jubrael. Direct and Highly Species-Specific DNA Fingerprints of Some Iraqi Sheep Breeds.
    49. Hemin E. Othman and Jaladet MS. Jubrael. Molecular fingerprinting and Phylogenetic Diversity  of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated From Dr. Khalid General Hospital In Koya.
    50. Shaymaa H. Ali and Jaladet MS.Jubrael. Genetic Diversity of Apricot (Prunus armenica L.) Varieties in Duhok-Region using AFLP-Markers.
    51. Al-Allawi NA, Eissa A.A, Jubrael J, Jamal SAR, Hamamy H. Prevalence and molecular characterization of G6PD deficient variants among the Kurdish population of Northern Iraq. BMC blood disorders 2010; 10:6.
    52. Merza  Narmeen  S. ; Jubrael  Jaladet M. S. (2010), Genetic relationship assessment among Staphylococcus aureus isolation in Kurdistan Region- Iraq using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) Markers. Dohuk Med.  J., Vol. 4, No.1,p. 51-59.
    53. Aveen A. M. Ameen and Amad M.S. Jubrail (2010). Effect of Different Glucocorticoids on some Blood Parameters and Bone Marrow Cells in Albino Rats.J Duhok Univ. Vol.13, No.1,Pp 471-484.
    54. Hemin E. Othman, Khidir M. Hawrami and Jaladet M.S. Jubrael.(2010). Molecular Fingerprinting and Phylogenetic Diversity of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated From Dr. Khalid General Hospital in Koya. JUD Vol.13 No.1 special issue.
    55. Merza Narmin S. and Jubrael Jaladet M.S. (2009). Isolation and identification of Staphylococcus aureus using classical and molecular methods".Journal of Duhok University,Vol.12 No.1 (Special issue)      
    56. Haleem Raed A., Abdullah S. K., Jubraeel Jaladat  M. S. (2011). Mycobiota associated with grapevine cuttings in Duhok nurseries     (Kurdistan region-Iraq. International scientific conference of Salahaddin University-Erbil (SU-ERBIL2011).
    57. Haleem Raed A. , Abdullah Samir K. and  Jubrael Jaladet M.S. A PCR - based technique for detection Cylindrocarpondes tructans, the causal agent of Grapevine black foot disease” The 7th Asian Crop Science Association Conference
    58. Haleem Raed A. , Abdullah Samir K. and  Jubrael Jaladet M.S. (2011) Morphological And Molecular Identification of Phaeoacremonium aleophilum Associated with Grapevines Decline Phenomenon in Duhok Governorate, Journal of Basrah Researches ((Sciences)) Volume 37. Number 4.
    59. Haleem Raed A. , Abdullah Samir K. and  Jubrael Jaladet M.S. (2012) Identification and Pathogenicity of Botryosphaeria parva associated with grapevine decline in Kurdistan Region-Iraq. ACTA AGROBOTANICA, Vol. 65 (1): 71-78.
    60. Esho K. B., Al. Kumar and  Jubrael Jaladet M.S.(2012) Diallel  analysis using Hyaman method to study Genetic Architecture of vegitative growth in Peas Pisum sativum L..Bull. Fac. Agri. Cairo Uni., 63:439-449.
    61. Haleem Raed A. , Abdullah Samir K. and  Jubrael Jaladet M.S. (2013) Occurrence and distribution of fungi associated with Grapevine decline in Kurdistan region-Iraq. Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 4(3): 336-348.
    62. Haleem Raed A., Abdullah S. K., Jubraeel Jaladat  M. S. (2013). . Pathogenicity of Phaeoacremonium Aleophilum Associated With Grapevine Decline In Kurdistan Region-Iraq. First  International Scientific conference/ University of Zakho. April 23-25, 2013   
    63. Othman Hemin E., Merza Narmeen S. and Jubrael Jaladet M.S.  (2013) Nucleotide sequence analysis of Methicillin resistance Staphylococcus aureus in Kurdistan region-Iraq. Journal of University of Zakho (the 1st international scientific conference).
    64. Khalid H.M., Yousif S. Y, Jubrael J. M.S. (2013). Bacteriological and Molecular characterization of extended spectrum B- lactamase in clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumonia isolated from Kurdistan region- Iraq. Journal of University of Zakho (the 1st international scientific conference).
    65. Hama A.A., Jubrael J. M.S. and Mero W. MS. (2013).Molecular Identification of Echinococcus granulosis (GI) strains in Human and Animals. Journal of University of Zakho (the 1st international scientific conference).
    66. Ali Shayma H., Al Singari Dalal Y. and Jubrael Jaladet M. S. 1(2015). Analysis of Plum (P. domestica L.) genotypes in Duhok city using AFLP markers. Int. J. Bioinformatics and Bioinformatical Engineering. Vol 1. No. 2 64- 60.
    67. Al Baiati Nuha S., F, Al Nasri S. and Jubrael Jaladet M. S. (2015) Epidermial growth factor I human urine as promoter for growth of leishmania spp. In vivo. Tikrit J. of Pure Science. (In press).
    68. Al Baiati Nuha S., Al Nasri F, S. and Jubrael Jaladet M. S. (2015). Determination of immunoglobulin’s levels in cutaneous leishmainasis patients. Tikrit J. of Pure Science. (In press).
    69. Ameen Nizar A., Nerwey F. F., Sulayman A.. Jubrael J.M.S., AlRawi W. H. and Ibrahim S.H. (2015). Identification of P53 tumer suppressor gene alitration in human glioma usin SCCO PCR techniques. J. Zakho University (In press).
    70. Merza  Narmin S. and Jubrael Jaladet M.S.(2015). The Prevalence of Virulence Factors Among Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Strains Isolated From Different Hospitals in Kurdistan Region-Iraq, International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering; Vol. 1( 3): 338-343.
    71. Merza  Narmin S. and Jubrael Jaladet M.S.(2015).Phylogenetic Grouping of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Using Different Molecular Methods in Kurdistan Region-Iraq, International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Science; Vol. 1( 4):  284-291.
    72. Merza Narmin S., Fadhel Al deen Iman H. Khalid Haval M;  Hassan Zaynab Jubrael Jaladet M.S.(2015) Molecular Characterization of Extended Spectrum B-Lactamase Producing Escherichia Coli Isolated From Urine in Kurdistan Region-Iraq; 5th International Scientific Conference on Applied Sciences and Engineering.
    73. Hamed Gihan H., Jubrael Jaladet M.S. and Salah Abonaker (2016) Molecular detection of BRACA 1 and BRACA 2mutations in breast cancer patients in Erbil using PCR techniques. J. Zankoy Sulaimani. Vol 18 No. 3.
    74. Ali M. Avesta, Zubair J. Sabrya, Sinjare Kh. Dalal and Jubrael Jaladet M.S. (2015) Fingerprinting a number of Prunus persica varities cultivated in Duhok Province using SRAP Markers, journal of University of Zakho, vol.3(A), No. 2.
    75. Ali M. Avesta, Zubair J. Sabrya, Abbas M. Awat  and Jubrael Jaladet M.S. (2016) Genetic Diversity among Walnuts (Juglans regia) population in Kurdistan Region-Iraq using AFLP-PCR., Acceptance letter from Zanco J. of Pure and applied Science.

    • Gene Cloning.
    • DNA Marker Technologies.

  • Teaching Advanced Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering and DNA Marker Technology at the following:

    • Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Baghdad.
    • Department of Biotechnology, College of Medicine, University of Al – Nahrain .
    • Department of Microbiology, College of Education, University of Al – Munstansiriya.
    • Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Duhok.
    • Department of Molecular biology , College of Medical, University of Haulair Medical Univ.

  • Ph.D. Theses

    • Title   Molecular Biological Studies of Human Papillomavirus Infections in Patients with Cervical Neoplasia.

    - Name Saad Hasan Mohammed
          -Date   2000-2001

    • Title   Epidemiological Study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by Conventional Bacterial Markers & DNA Polymerase Chain Reaction

    - Name Sahar Abdul Wahab Hassan
          -Date   2001-2002

    • Title   The use of DNA Markers for Genetic Diversity Analysis of Barely (Hodeum vulgare L.) Cultivated in Iraq.

    - Name Akeel Hussein Ali
          -Date   2001-2002

    • Title   Activated Protein C resistance and Factor v Leiden in Iraqis and Some of Their Clinical Implications.

    - Name Nasir Abdul-Salam. Al-Allawi
          -Date   2003-2004

    • Title   Genetic Polymorphism of Breast Tumors Using Polymerase Chain Reaction Based Techniques.

    - Name Sundus Lateef Jasim
          -Date   2003-2004

    • Title   Detecting of DNA Fingerprints and Genetic Relationship Analysis in Local and Improved Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Varieties in Iraq Using RAPD Markers

    - Name Niemat Jameel Al-Judy
          -Date   2003-2004

    • Title   The Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Molecular Markers to Assess Genetic Diversity of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.)

    - Name Kholood Ibrahem Hassan
          -Date   2001-2002

    • Title   Differentiation between Different Animal Meats Using a Polymerase Chain Reaction Technique

    - Name Raad Abdul-Ghany Al-Sanjary
          -Date   2005-2006

    • Title Detection of genetic variation between some of Iraqi sheep breeds using DNA Markers

    - Name Ahmed Basheer Mohammed
          -Date   2009, University of Duhok

    • Title   Isolation and Identification of Campylobacter Jejune  by Using Classical and Molecular Methods

    - Name Najim A. Yasin
          -Date   2008, University of Duhok

    • Title   The Detection of b-Thalassemia Mutations by Amplification Refractory Mutation System (ARMS) and Reverse Hybridization in Duhok Area.

    - Name Fareda Fareeq Nerway
          -Date   2008, University of Duhok

    • Title   Genetic analysis of breast cancer specific mutation using PCR –and immunohistochemistry.

    - Name Mayada I. Yalda
          -Date   2009, University of Baghdad

    • Title   Genetic diversity analysis of anopheles sp. In Kurdistan Region-Iraq, using molecular biology techniques.

    - Name Shamal Abdullah Mohammed Saeed Al- Mufti
          -Date   2008, University of Baghdad

    • Title   PCR study of BRCA1 BRCA2 in correlation to Immunohistochemical expression of P53, Estrogen and progesterone receptors in breast cancer

    - Name Mayada Ilias Yalda Al- Sanati
          -Date  2009, University of Baghdad

    • Title   Molecular and immunological study of human papiloma virus infections among patients with different cervical lesions in Kurdistan region- Iraq

    - Name Katan Sabir Ali
          -Date   2010, Hawler Medical University

    • Title   Genetic Architecture of yield and its components in peas using Diallel crosses and molecular markers (DNA)

    - Name Kamal Bennyamin Esho
          -Date   2012, University of Mosul

    • Title   Morphological and molecular identification of fungal associated with grapevines decline Phenomenon in Duhok

    - Name Raed Abduljabbar Haleem
          -Date   2011, University of Duhok

    • Title   Epidemiological study and molecular characterization of Echnococcus granulosis in Slemani  province in Kurdistan-Iraq

    - Name Abdullah Ahmed Hama
          -Date   2013, University of  Zakho

    • Title Clonal Grouping of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli in Kurdistan Region-Iraq Using different Molecular Typing Methods

    - Name Narmin Saeed Merza
          -Date   2013, University of  Zakho

    • Title Molecular epidemiology of extended spectrum B- lactamase in clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumonia isolated from Kurdistan region- Iraq.

    - Name Haval M. Khalid
          -Date   2013, University of  Zakho

    • Title Inter and intra characterization of Pronus Genus using DNA markers and chemical components profile techniques

    - Name Avesta M. Ali
          -Date   2013, University of  Zakho

    • Title Molecular analysis  of BRACA 1 and BRACA genes and histopathological study on breast cancer pateints in Erbil Kurdistan Region-Iraq

    - Name Gihan H Hamed
          -Date   2016, University of Mosul

    Masters Theses

    • Title Genomic Library Preparation for Tolerance Plant (Tamarix Brachystachys) Using E. Coli Bacteriophage (EMBL3) as Cloning Vector.

    - Name Ammar Mohammed Salih
          -Date   1993-1994

    • Title Cloning Genomic DNA Fragments of a Poultry Strain in the Bacteria E.Coli

    - Name Sahar Abd – Al wahab Hassan
          -Date   1993-1994

    • Title Physiological Study and Detection of DNA Polymorphisms in a Number of Salt Tolerant Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L) Varieties /Lines.

    - Name Akeel Hussien Ali
          -Date   1995-1996

    • Title On the Molecular Biology of a Novel Halo Tolerant Bacterium (Micrococcus Sp).

    - Name Khalaf .j. AlDolaimi
          -Date   1996-1997

    • Title Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism In Barley Hordeum Vulgare L

    - Name Harb Addel Abed Mohammed
          -Date   1998-1999

    • Title The Use Of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Markers For Sex And Male Cultivars Identification In Date Palm (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) In Iraq

    - Name Tamara Adnan Al-Khateeb
          -Date   1999-2000

    • Title The Use Of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Markers to Identify a Number of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Varieties/Lines Cultivated in Iraq

    - Name Yassen Ismaeel Aumran
          -Date   1999-2000

    • Title Construction of a Gene Bank for a Halo Tolerant Bacteria Micrococcus Sp.(Strain Gi) in E. Coli

    - Name Lamiaa Fingan Al-Malk
          -Date   2000-2001

    • Title Bacteriological and Molecular Study of Vibrio Spp. in Iraq

    - Name Dalia Saib Hannoudi
          -Date   2001-2002

    • Title Application Of RAPD Markers in the Identification and Genetic Relationship Assessment among a Number of Salttolerant Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Lines

    - Name Rafat Hamdi Abdul Jaleel
          -Date   2001-2002

    • Title DNA Fingerprinting of Fusarium Solani (Mart.) Sacc Isolates Causing Root and Stem Rot of Eggplant By Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

    - Name Alaa Mohsen Al-aaraj
          -Date   2002-2003

    • Title Detection of Genotoxicity in Mice (Balb/C Mice) Exposed to Lead Oxide

    - Name Ghassan Mohammed Ahmed
          -Date   2002-2003

    • Title Extraction, Purification and Determination of Some Properties of Polymerase Enzyme from Local Isolate of Thermus Aqaticus

    - Name Haidar Ahmad Shamran
          -Date   2003-2004

    • Title Isolation And Identification of Staphylococcus Aureus Using Classical and Molecular Methods

    - Name Narmeen Sae'd Merza
          -Date   2006, University of Duhok

    • Title Fingerprinting of Breast Cancer

    - Name Salar Saadi Hussain
          -Date   2007, University of Duhok

    • Title Genetic Diversity Analysis of Some Grape Species in Kurdistan Region

    - Name Shaymaa Hadi Ali
          -Date   2007, University of Duhok

    • Title Study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by Using Conventional Bacterial Markers and DNA Polymerase Chain Reaction

    - Name Siham Nori   Jafaer
          -Date   2007, University of Duhok

    • Title Bacteriological and molecular characterization of K. prummonia from clinical  and hospital environment samples

    - Name Haval Mohammed Khalid
          -Date   2008, University of Duhok

    • Title Molecular Epidemiology and Bacteriological Identification of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Koya, Erbil and Duhok Hospitals

    - Name Hemin Esmael Othman
          -Date   2009, University of Koya

    • Title Diagnostic study of type I and Type II diabetes mellitus

    - Name Adnan Fadhil Nasseef Al Azawy
          -Date   2008, University of Tikrit

    • Title Detection of High risk human papiloma virus in a population at Duhok Region using a PCR- based technique

    - Name Muhsin Jamil Abdulwahid
          -Date   2010, University of Salahaddin

    • Title Molecular analysis of allelopathic potential of some rice cultivars (Oryza satival.) cultivated in Kurdistan Region- Iraq

    - Name Zeinab Mohammed Unis Al-Asaadee
          -Date   2007, University of Dohuk

    • Title Detection of genetic alternations in brain tumer using molecular markers

    - Name Nazar Ali Ameen
          -Date   2009, University of Dohuk

    • Title Fingerprinting and Genetic Diversity Analysis of A Number of Peach (Prunus persica L.) Varieties Grown in Kurdistan Region-Iraq by RAPD-PCR Markers

    - Name Mukhlis Hamad Aali Al-Harawi,
          -Date   2010, University of Dohuk

    • Title Molecular characterization of Escherichia coli isolated from UTI patients attending Azadi Hospital in Duhok

    - Name Iman Hussein Fadel-Al Deen
          -Date   2012, University of Duhok

    • Title   Genetic Diversity of Walnut (Juglans regia L. ) populations in Duhok Province revealed by Microsatellite Markers

    - Name Awat mohammed
          -Date   2013, University of  Zakho

    • Title Direct identification of E .coli using PCR based technique from urine samples collected from Duhok Province

    - Name Shelan Hawal Rasol
          -Date   2013, University of Duhok

    • Title Microsatellite application and genetic characterization of Pomegrante (Punica granutum L.) in Duhok Province/ kurdistan region.Iraq

    - Name Dalal  Y. Khuder
          -Date   2013, University of Duhok.

  • Training Courses

    I have participated in many individual as well as group training courses, and had also  Organized such activities examples;

    • 1998 – ICARDA/ Syria - DNA Marker Technologies in the Crop Improvement.
    • 1999 – Baghdad/ Iraq  - DNA Marker Technologies in the Crop Improvement. Organized by ICARDA/ IPA  
    • 2000 - Cairo/ Egypt - In Vitro Biology/ Transformation Technologies. Organized by ICARDA and AGERI/ Egypt                    
    • 2004 – Duhok/ Iraq - DNA manipulation and Mammalian Tissue Culture Techniques. Organized By Duhok Univ. / Millennium (MRDS) Org.
    • 2005 – Duhok /Iraq -  Molecular Biology Techniques organized for Staff members of this University and Mosul Univ.


    I have participated during the last decade in more than Thirty local, regional and international Conferences presenting papers and posters. Also as a Coordinator of the organizing Committee

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