

كه نكه شا ناما ماسته رى : نيروز ئازاد جه له بى ,17. 12. 2020
Dec. 28, 2020, 10:09 p.m.


لبن جافديريا راكريا كوليزا ده رمانسازى / زانكويا دهوك كه نكه شا ناما ماسته رى يا قوتابى  نيروز ئازاد جه له بى هاته كرن ئه وا لزير ناف و نيشان 

“Photochromism and photosy…

پتر زانین
بيشوازيا قوتابيين قوناغا ئيكى يا سالا خواندنى 2020 – 2021 زلايى راكريا كوليزا ده رمانسازى فه
Dec. 2, 2020, 9:35 a.m.

ل روزا سى شه مبى ريكه فتى 17 جريا دووى 2020 هيزا هاريكارى راكرى كوليزا ده رمانسازيى
به ريز غزوان احمد محمدعبد الرؤوف د كه ل هنده ك ما موستايين هيزا بيشوازى و خيرهاتنا قوتابيين
قوناغا ئيكى كرن ئه وين كو ئه ف ساله 2020 - 2021 هاتينه وه ركرتن و تومارك…

پتر زانین
ئه زمونين نيفا وه رزي ئيكي يى سالا خواندني 2021 – 2020ل كوليزا ده رمانسازى / زانكويا دهوك
Nov. 26, 2020, 2:36 a.m.

لديف سه ربه رشتيا راكريا كوليزا ده رمانسازى ئه زمونين نيفا وه رزى ئيكى يى سالا خواندنى – 2020
2021يين قوتابيين فى كوليزى ده ست بيكر هه ر ز روزا ئيك شه مبى ريكه فتي 2020 / 11 / 15ل هه مان
كوليز بشتى هه مى رينمايين ته ندروستى لبه رجاف وه ركرتين ئه وي…

پتر زانین
سميناره ك هاته بيَشكيَشكرن لدور: 30.05.2020, "Long-Term Saccharin Consumption and Increased Risk of Obesity, Diabetes, Hepatic Dysfunction, and Renal Impairment in Rats"
May 31, 2020, 11:41 a.m.

:سميناره ك لدور

"Long-Term Saccharin Consumption and Increased Risk of Obesity, Diabetes, Hepatic Dysfunction, and Renal Impairment in Rats" 

"هاته ئه نجام دان ز لايئ  "د.  سعاد القس  

ل روزا  شه مبي، ريكه فتى 30/05/2020

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A workshop entitled: QA guidelines using individual skills, how to write a good article ... held on 20.05.2020
May 31, 2020, 11:22 a.m.

Under the supervision of the deanery office of College of Pharmacy at UoD, the QA team were pleased to held a one day Online workshop entitled: "QA guidelines using individual skills: how to write a good article"; Which was conducted by:


پتر زانین
A workshop Announcement: COVID-19 an update information, prevention, and tests ... 25.06.2020
May 18, 2020, 12:43 a.m.

Under the supervision of the deanery office of College of Pharmacy at UoD, the QA team are pleased to announce a one day workshop entitled: "COVID-19 an update information, prevention, and tests"; Which will be conducted by:

پتر زانین

A workshop Announcement: QA guidelines using individual skills, how to write a good article ... 20.05.2020
May 18, 2020, 12:26 a.m.

Under the supervision of the deanery office of College of Pharmacy at UoD, the QA team are pleased to announce a one day Online workshop entitled: "QA guidelines using individual skills: how to write a good article"; Which will be conducted b…

پتر زانین
A workshop Announcement: The Use of SPSS Statistical Program for Improving Medical Biostatistical Competence for Medical Staff ... 11.06.2020
May 17, 2020, 1:17 p.m.

Under the supervision of the deanery office of College of Pharmacy at UoD, our college is pleased to announce a one day workshop entitled: "The Use of SPSS Statistical Program for Improving Medical Biostatistical Competence for Medical Staff"; Which…

پتر زانین
A two Weeks Online Training Course at CoP: Important softwares and techniques in e-learning and online processes ... 29.04.2020 To 04.05.2020
May 6, 2020, 9:59 a.m.

Under the supervision of the deanery office of College of Pharmacy at UoD, the E-Learning MOODLE team were pleased to held a 4 days over two weeks online training course entitled: "Important Softwares and Techniques in E-learning and Online Proce…

پتر زانین
College of Pharmacy Announce A two Weeks Online Training Course: Important softwares and techniques in e-learning and online processes ... 29.04.2020 To 03.05.2020
April 27, 2020, 10:15 a.m.

Under the supervision of the deanery office of College of Pharmacy at UoD, the E-Learning MOODLE team are pleased to announce a two weeks online training course entitled: "Important Softwares and Techniques in E-learning and Online Processes"…

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