Master thesis discussion
Feb. 24, 2022, 10:21 p.m.

Today (24/2/2022) Discussion of master's thesis for the student (Dua’a Walid Jameel) higher education student in (Conservative branch) in college of dentistry was held.The discussion committee consisted of the following:

Prof.Dr. Dara Hama rashed saeed / College of Dentistry/Hawler medical university
Asst.Prof. Dr. Abdulkareem Ramadhan Ibraheem / College of Dentistry / University of Duhok
Asst.Prof.Dr. Bassam Kareem Ameen/College of Dentistry/Hawler medical u university
Asst.Prof.Dr. Bahar Jaafar silevany / College of Dentistry / University of Duhok
Prof.Dr. Jwahar Mohammad Rasheed/ college of engineering/ university of Duhok