الكادر التدريسي

                                        جيهان نجمان حسن
جيهان نجمان حسن None
مدرس مساعد
تغذية المجترات
  • ماجستير

  • Shamoon, S.A. and Saleh, J. N. H. (2011). Effect of energy source, physical form and protein level on

    nutrient digestibility and growth in Karadi Lambs

    1. Effect of physical form, energy source and protein level on nutrient digestibility and some blood

    parameters. Journal of Tikrit University for Agricultural Sciences. Vol.(11), No.(2).

    -Shamoon, S.A. and Saleh, J. N. H. (2011). Effect of energy source, physical form and protein level on

    nutrient digestibility and growth in Karadi Lambs

    1. Effect of energy source and protein level on growth and some carcass characteristics. Journal of Tikrit

    University for Agricultural Sciences. Vol.(11), No.(2).   

    -JALAL E. A., EMAD T. S.B., JIHAN N. H. and FATAH M. K. (2015). Carcass composition and tissue

    distribution of karadi lamb maintained on concentrate or pasture. Journal of University of Duhok., Vol.

    (18), No. (1).                     

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    تغذية المجترات

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