College of Law

Quality assurance Unit
July 26, 2017, 10:41 a.m.

Quality Assurance at the Faculty of Law and Political Science

First: Meaning of quality assurance

quality assurancequality means ensuring quality in education system to make sure that the quality of education emulate and meets the criteria of the academic institution and academic standards in prestigiousuniversities and institutions. Also, quality assurance works to enhance these qualities through developing teaching staffs’ research and scientific capability. In addition to that, it works to enhance student’s educational capability according to the latest academic curricula in which prepare them to be able to be informative, analytical, and be able to predict elasticsolutions for the society’s future problem after they accomplish their studies.

Second: Aim of quality assurance

      Quality assurance is related to practical and educational aspect in the collage in which includes teaching staff and students. Relating to the students, it aims to enhance student’s educational and research ability; as well as it helps them to be able use modern and successful academic curricular to comprehend information. On the other hand, it encourages reaching staff to continue and develop their scientific journey and researching through academic research and scientific seminars. With no doubt, these enhancements for both would help our society by providing specialized personnel in each filed.

Third: Mechanisms of Quality Assurance Program

Quality assurance and quality in achieving its objectives it supports several mechanisms:

1. Adopting course book in teaching materials; this includes subjects and topics in which lecturer explain during the academic year, main and secondary sources, and some exam sample.

2. Urging student to adopt a variety of sources to obtain information and go to the collage library.

3. Providing sufficient number of books and other sources to the Library of collage of law and politic science to help students to have access to verity kinds of sources.

4. Using modern technologies in teaching, such as using Power Point to explain the lecture.

5. Requiring teaching staff to do research each year and presenting seminars in the collage.

6. Requiring teaching staffs to provide a summary of their scientific research which will be evaluated every year.

7. Adopting out of the university’svaluers to evaluate exam questions to ensure it complies with the standard criteria of exam questions.

Fourth: Mechanisms for assessing the quality of education

The quality assurance of the college is evaluated through the following criteria:

1. Student’s evaluation by answering questions regarding to the ability of the academic staff and their methods of communication and performance.

2. Evaluation of the academic staff members of the collage after presenting a seminar.

3. Evaluation of the external elevator for the questions and exam papers.

4. Evaluation of the teacher porfolio.

Fifth: Structure of Quality Assurance

   administrative structure of the quality assurance program at the Faculty of Law and Political Science is run by one of the teaching staff in the collage (in charge of Quality Assurance) and with the help ofsome coordinatorin the collage in each academic level. Quality assurance division is linked to the Directorate of Quality Assurance in the presidency of the University.