College of Law

Graduate Studies and Scientific Affairs Unit
July 26, 2017, 10:43 a.m.

Summary about Graduate Studies and Scientific Affairs’ Unit

       We can clarify the graduate studies and scientific affairs’ process in the college of Law and Political Science in terms of administrative structure and composition, and the importance of its presence and role in upgrading the academic level as follows: 

I. In terms of administrative and structural configurations:

       Law College established at the University of Duhok in 22/5/2000. The graduate studies division established in 2003/2004 and then it became the Committee for graduate studies in 2005/2006. After that, it became a section in 2008. Then it became the department of scientific affairs and graduate studies in 2009 and Unit Studies Higher academic year 2009/2010. After period, the structure of the college changed radically through following the application of a new structure in the administration formation of colleges, which affected the composition and graduate studies’ work and changed the form the Faculty of Law to law school. The graduate studies became a section in 2011/2012 then it settled down as a unit for postgraduate studies in 2013/2014. Then the law school became college of law and political sciences, and postgraduate studies took the Unit form of the scientific affairs and postgraduate studies. In 2014/2015, the faculty of the law transferred to the college of law and political sciences and the postgraduate studies established as the title of Graduate Studies' Unit.

II. The importance of the Graduate Studies and Scientific Affairs’ Unit: 

       Graduate studies depends on the plan submitted by the college council. This plan considers the availability of the necessary for postgraduate studies in terms of availability of specialized staff, provided a legal library that meets needs of students, needs of college in a specific section of law and needs of other universities especially the new ones.

       Thus, we can clarify the importance of the postgraduate unit; In terms of meeting the needs of the college and fill the concerns and completion of the lack of specializations. The vital of the postgraduate unit can find in terms of preparing new cadres to the universities. In addition, the postgraduate unit is organizing the scientific affairs in coordination with the scientific department of the College.

III. Departments and studies that have specialized in:

A- The departments and studies that have studied to obtain the masters’ degree in the College of Law and Political Science as follows:

1- Master in public law and private law departments in 2003/2004.

2- Master in private law represented by Commercial Law, International Law and Criminal Law in 2005/2006.

3- Master in law in 2006/2007.

4- Master in law in 2008/2009.

5- The Master in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution was opened in 2008/2009.

6- Master in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution in 2009/2010.

7- Master in public law in 2010/2011.

8- Master in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution in 2011/2012. 

9- Master in Human Rights.

10- Master in private law in 2012/2013. 

11- Master in private and public law in 2014/2015.

B- Doctorates’ Degree in Law 

1 - Students accepted to PhD in law based on the Split site system that established in the Kurdistan; the first batch was accepted in criminal law and administrative law in 2013 - 2014.

 2 – PhD in public law/ criminal law, and PhD in private law/ civil law, commercial law and civil procedure law in 2015-2016. 

        Worth to mention that, Duhok College of law and political sciences has students studying abroad in foreign universities to obtain masters and doctorate degrees in private law, public law, political science, and human rights.