The President of the University of Duhok will isit Germany to sign an agreement
Dec. 6, 2021, 11:34 a.m.

A delegation headed by the President of the University of Duhok will pay a visit to the Technical University of Dortmund in Germany as part of their plan to renew the mutual agreement that concerns the undergraduate study as well as sign a new agreement to inaugurate a Master studies program.

The visit is comes in response to a formal invitation offered earlier by the University of Dortmund delegation comprised of Dr. Detwald Grown, Dr. Hasan Oglu, and Dr. Johans Lukantn in their visit to the University of Duhok. The program involves conducting a number of workshops and paying formal visits to different sectors as part of their endeavor to develop the sphere of planning in Kurdistan Region.

It has been discussed in a meeting that more attention should be paid to the collaborative program of the undergraduate studies between the TU Dortmund University and the College of Spatial Planning in the UoD, the initiation of a mutual Master program and proposing plans for PhD study.

Dr. Atrushi highly appreciated and acknowledged the efforts of Dr. Hasan Oglu who has managed the program in the past years and awarded him with the UoD logo and wished his surrogate, Dr. Johans Lukantn all success.