MHE gives the instruction to scientific certificate
Jan. 18, 2016, 1:30 p.m.

In the meeting of ministry of higher education and scientific research council, the instruction to give a scientific certificate was accepted and brought the point of how to decrease the expenditures and increase revenue.  So, to fulfil this, a significant decision has been issued.

The meeting came up on Monday Jan 11th, 2016 in supervision of Dr. Yusuf Goran, the minister of higher education and scientific research, and some important point brought to the point of consideration.

In the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Yusuf Goran pointed to the financial crisis of Kurdistan Region and said, “Kurdistan Region as the entire country which count on oil revenue has faced this financial crises; however, ISIS fighting has made this problem doubled.  So, we have to together strive to increase revenue and decrease expenses in which universities can continue their study and be the source of revenue to KRG.  He wished by following the ministry of finance’s instructions, the universities can coordinate to increase revenue and decide a good decision in this context.

In other part of the meeting, the minister pointed to the instructions of giving a scientific certificate and said, “In one of the important tasks of ministry according to the ministry’s policy is improving the quality level of universities.  In doing this, as a ministry, we, strives to improve the quality level of education and science at universities.  He said that one of the ways to do that is giving certificate to the ones who deserve to be lecturer and dedicate themselves to this aspect and develop university.  Dr. Yusuf said, “After that the instructions of giving scientific certificate prepared by a committee, today we will give it to the members of the council.  In this context – after the aspects of the instructions were talked about, today we will make it our agenda to the council members to accept it.  In that context, after discussion the aspects of instructions and adding some suggestion to it, the scientific certificate was accepted by vote.

In other side of the meeting, parallel system of study was talked about.  After the aspects of parallel system were talked about, the ministry council decided to open a parallel system for 2015-2016. They left to universities whether to open this system in their faculties in which for each faculty it doesn’t allowed exceeding more than 10% of the accepted plan.

In other part of the meeting, evening study at public universities was talked about for the year 2015-2016.  After exchanging ideas of the meeting, the ministry council decided to accept the decision in which universities can distribute application forms then send it to the ministry.  About the apartments which evening study will be opened, Dr. Yusuf Goran said, “For opening each department, it has to consider the quality of study in a way that take the necessity of human resources to the point of consideration and the fees of study has to be less than private university which reaches 30%.

Also, during the meeting, the ministry council decided to get rid of giving 3 credits to the high school graduates and explained that this decision will be fulfilled in 2016-2017 study of year.

In the meeting, decreasing expenses and increasing revenue was brought to the point of discussion, as well, and required decision was made.